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ling building something new

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

ling building something new

I thought I would tell everyone something new I have been doing for link building, I have gone into Traffic Travis and looked at the people I already have links from, most of which are good sites and go to that site again and see who else is posting comments. I take the commenters link meaning there url and put in into Wilson Youngs free backlink checker which then tells me how many links that site has what there page rank is there Alexa rank is and if it is a site that is good I will go to there site and make a comment or post on it. It saves me a lot of time from just looking all over for new places to get links from. Mark
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Posts: 475
Joined: 28 Apr 09
This could be a fast way to get a good mix of different backlinks. Do you get many to stick?
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List not growing fast enough?
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
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So far they all are still there, I don't know why they wouldn't stick since I always put well written comments up when I answer a question or post a comment to a blog. Also I will only make a comment if I read the story and can say something good so I think if the site has a moderator they must like what I am saying and thinks it ads to the overall post.
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Site Admin
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That is a good tip Mark. :)

This is actually one way to get good backlinks ans I also have to agree that you should not spam. It is always best to contribute your thoughts in comments.

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
Posts: 216
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Great idea Mark!

I have T.T.Pro but I find that it does not return an accurate backlink check. Are you doing somthing special with it to get better results? Also I have not found "Wilson Youngs free backlink checker". Could you post the link here or P.M. me with the link, I really would like to look into your method further.

Thanks Mark
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Paul J. Burkhardt
mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
all I do in TT 4 is to open it up click make active on the project I want to check then go to SEO and click on backlinks and it shows me almost all of my backlinks and who they are. as far as the backlink checker here is the link http://www.highqualitybacklinks.com/backlink-checker/ I use it all the time to see sites stats that I am thinking about putting a link on. sometimes I don't look at the pr of the site that much because sometimes it is a newer site but the site may have a great Alexa rank which means it is getting a lot of traffic and in turn will probably have a good pr soon.
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