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keyword search volumes and home page

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keyword search volumes and home page

Hi, All Maestros including jmpruitt.
When I was knowing nothing about the nomenclature of affiliate sites, I started the construction of my site www.akitadogtraining.com, and I was encouraged at the success of my basic skeleton experiment with the help of affilorama employees and members. When it has been partially erected, my basic area of applied knowledge expanded, some daunting doubts are disturbing me and I need your help to get them melted away:

1. Keyword 'akita dog training' optimized on my home page has the volume of only 140 global monthly searches. Is not this too small to be the home page?. Should I select some other post having highest or higher search volume than it? If I 'll do so then my home page will be away from the name of my site 'akitadogtraining' which is based on this keyword 'akita dog training'.
2. Degree of competition of keyword is to be considered for the choice of home page or not.
3. Maestro Mark Ling stresses , “For me, 5,000 total searches per month is a good solid baseline for my 20 keywords. Remember,we’re talking about the 20 articles in your AffiloJetpack, so you only need to look at those 20 keywords. If they add up to at least 5,000 hits a month, you’re set.”
4. What is to done if 20 suitable keywords are not available? Let there are only 5 keywords having 5000 total searches, do the 5 articles suffice?
5. My site has many relevant articles from point view of dog training for exmaple - 'akita chasing' and 'akita growling' etc, but the keywords optimized in them have no search volume. Do they do any harm to my site? Should I withdraw them as they are not having search volumes or they should stand there for the interest of the visitors.
6. Google shows: 'training an akita' = 1300 global monthly searches. 'training akita' = 1300 global monthly searches.
7. Are above (in stipulation no.6) both searches two different searches totaling to 2600 (1300+1300)? or both are one and the same thing having practical total of 1300 only.
8. If they are one and the same thing then can one article of 'training an akita' or of 'training akita' can cover both keywords or at least two different articles needed?
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I am not sure I can answer all this but if you have set a article for the front page and it is a targeted traffic keyword that still gets some searches If it is done right and gets ranked good and fast then it will affect the rest of the harder to rank for keywords when you start with easier keywords and get them ranking first it is easier to get ranking for the harder relevant keywords on the same website. There for it is more effective to start small and work up in your niche especially in authority sites like the jet pack ones. I think any keywords that are on topic and could be of some interest to a person searching would be of value in this I think you have to just go with what you think you would like to see if you were the one looking for help. I know this the key words in the jet pack I opened are not the best in the niche and all the articles were not of the best quality and some things were even wrong some things I changed totally. I even redid a lot of the keyword research to my standards. But kept the main theme and the big thing is how much I put into seo and quality backlinking. The idea we have to stick to twenty keywords is never mentioned it is just a start and you can go after all you think will work for you. I think what Mark wanted was to get it set up so we could rank for some and make at least a few sales. Then just keep doing seo until the site is doing good I know one course It took they said do fifty pages then keep adding as the site started to rank better. They also said do not give up because it took over six month's to get rolling or at times a year. I have also seen in google search it ranks some words as the same like like akita bark problems and Akita barking problems or Akitas barking they may get all the same traffic because google just ranks them as one Phrase at times.
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Hi, Mack45.
Thanks a lot for sharing your personal ideas and experiences about seo strategies. Mack! My worry is that the front page keyword is one of very very weakly targeted traffic keywords. Global monthly searches are less than only 5 per day. I should continue it as it is or I need some major change.
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Hi Har,

Definitely use a higher search volume term for your homepage. It does not matter if it does not match the domain name (of course matching the domain name is great, but you don't have the search volume) as long as you do proper on page optimization.
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LOL Har, thanks for that. I needed a good laugh today.

really, it doesn't matter what the home page gets now days. in the old days the home page was all people really tried to get ranking and if that was the case, then you needed to target a high volume keyword, but you want to rank every page for the most relevant keyword to the content on that page. as long as you do that, it really doesn't matter what the search volumes for them are.
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jmpruitt wrote:LOL Har, thanks for that. I needed a good laugh today.

really, it doesn't matter what the home page gets now days. in the old days the home page was all people really tried to get ranking and if that was the case, then you needed to target a high volume keyword, but you want to rank every page for the most relevant keyword to the content on that page. as long as you do that, it really doesn't matter what the search volumes for them are.

Hi, James.
I really thank your responding to my this post. Every discussion in forum (as I feel) remains incomplete by missing some attractive colors of derived substantial changes from recent quasi static processes of affiliate business without your involvement. And now you have laughed enough to pass fresh air rich in oxygen throughout your lungs resulting in fresh blood supply to your brain so you can definitely help people like me. The fact is that your comment has induced me to avoid unwanted changes. Kindly provide more details to your thought so that I may never repent on by not doing any change as some experienced and revered ones have suggested to do the changes. Please prove the theorem: A homepage optimized for keywords having zero search volumes can be a 100% successful homepage. I believe you 'll do.
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It's okay if your homepage has a low search volume as long as you have a total search count of 5,000 for all your keywords combined

har444har wrote:What is to done if 20 suitable keywords are not available? Let there are only 5 keywords having 5000 total searches, do the 5 articles suffice?

I suggest that you try to put up at least 20 articles optimized on one keyword per page so that your site would look like it has a lot of good content. This will make the search engines trust your site and it'll be easier to get high rankings.

If you're finding it hard to add keywords to your list, try spending some time on the forums related to your niche and look at the top threads with the most views. Write down the common keywords people are using to describe their problems and then use this information to build your keyword list. You could also find keywords on the sales copy of the product you are promoting and other related products. The merchants have done enough research and know what the major concerns of their customers are so you'll find good keywords on their sales pages.

har444har wrote:5. My site has many relevant articles from point view of dog training for exmaple - 'akita chasing' and 'akita growling' etc, but the keywords optimized in them have no search volume. Do they do any harm to my site? Should I withdraw them as they are not having search volumes or they should stand there for the interest of the visitors.

If this is a common problem faced by your target audience then you should include this even if the keyword has a low search count. Just make sure you have a total of 5000 for all your keywords.

har444har wrote:6. Google shows: 'training an akita' = 1300 global monthly searches. 'training akita' = 1300 global monthly searches.
7. Are above (in stipulation no.6) both searches two different searches totaling to 2600 (1300+1300)? or both are one and the same thing having practical total of 1300 only.
8. If they are one and the same thing then can one article of 'training an akita' or of 'training akita' can cover both keywords or at least two different articles needed?

The order of the keywords or splitting them up in the article doesn't really matter much as long as they're arranged relatively close together. Search engines make the connection between your original targeted phrase and the slight variations you use throughout the body of your article. They will display the main words that were searched for not necessarily in the same order and not just the exact keyword phrase that was typed in.
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michellerana wrote:It's okay if your homepage has a low search volume as long as you have a total search count of 5,000 for all your keywords combined

har444har wrote:What is to done if 20 suitable keywords are not available? Let there are only 5 keywords having 5000 total searches, do the 5 articles suffice?

I suggest that you try to put up at least 20 articles optimized on one keyword per page so that your site would look like it has a lot of good content. This will make the search engines trust your site and it'll be easier to get high rankings.

If you're finding it hard to add keywords to your list, try spending some time on the forums related to your niche and look at the top threads with the most views. Write down the common keywords people are using to describe their problems and then use this information to build your keyword list. You could also find keywords on the sales copy of the product you are promoting and other related products. The merchants have done enough research and know what the major concerns of their customers are so you'll find good keywords on their sales pages.

har444har wrote:5. My site has many relevant articles from point view of dog training for exmaple - 'akita chasing' and 'akita growling' etc, but the keywords optimized in them have no search volume. Do they do any harm to my site? Should I withdraw them as they are not having search volumes or they should stand there for the interest of the visitors.

If this is a common problem faced by your target audience then you should include this even if the keyword has a low search count. Just make sure you have a total of 5000 for all your keywords.

har444har wrote:6. Google shows: 'training an akita' = 1300 global monthly searches. 'training akita' = 1300 global monthly searches.
7. Are above (in stipulation no.6) both searches two different searches totaling to 2600 (1300+1300)? or both are one and the same thing having practical total of 1300 only.
8. If they are one and the same thing then can one article of 'training an akita' or of 'training akita' can cover both keywords or at least two different articles needed?

The order of the keywords or splitting them up in the article doesn't really matter much as long as they're arranged relatively close together. Search engines make the connection between your original targeted phrase and the slight variations you use throughout the body of your article. They will display the main words that were searched for not necessarily in the same order and not just the exact keyword phrase that was typed in.

Hi, Michellerana.

Lots of thanks for your this well-ripened post, having all out clarification, which has swept away my all the daunting dark doubts. The post overwhelming with mature multiangular professionalism, capable of turning obscure into perceptible, has saved me from doing unwanted changes and at the end of the day I have set myself forth for something progressive.

Hoping the same assistance in future,
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mark schaaf
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I find so many aspects of SEO interesting and read a lot about it but nothing is ever set in stone. You pointed out something about 5000 keyword searches being good but you also have to remember there are going to be subjects that will never get that many. Since you are going into dog training there are going to be dog types that are rare and will never get close to that so just remember that when putting your site together. It is better to get 500 hits to your site that stay, read and buy something then it is to get 5000 hits that do nothing. Also remember if a page on your site gets ranked higher then your home page doesn't mean that it is the only page the person clicking on it will read, since I am sure your site is like everyone's site in that you can get to your home page from any of your pages. So to me I don't care which page someone lands on my site as long as they go to my site.
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mark schaaf wrote:I find so many aspects of SEO interesting and read a lot about it but nothing is ever set in stone. You pointed out something about 5000 keyword searches being good but you also have to remember there are going to be subjects that will never get that many. Since you are going into dog training there are going to be dog types that are rare and will never get close to that so just remember that when putting your site together. It is better to get 500 hits to your site that stay, read and buy something then it is to get 5000 hits that do nothing. Also remember if a page on your site gets ranked higher then your home page doesn't mean that it is the only page the person clicking on it will read, since I am sure your site is like everyone's site in that you can get to your home page from any of your pages. So to me I don't care which page someone lands on my site as long as they go to my site.

Hi, Mark Schall.
Thanks for your words full of your personal experience. Being a newbie I do not care the improvisations but the straight basics. In my opinion accuracy in basics can lead you to the valuable findings. It is then, when you may find some fundamental reasons or logic behind basic generalization to set a justified theory, an evolution of your science!
But at the moment I have to follow the tested phenomena of Maestro Mark Ling and his followers. So it is why I am sticking to what has been said by Maesstro Mark Ling. Once the basics are properly over then and only then I shall take the offsets. So whether I may not make any money but I believe that 5000 searches will be sufficient to penetrate the line of initial success.

And thanks for your last lines where you verify that every post can be an equally successful homepage depending upon the over all performance of the site. And it has gone in my favor.

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Hey Har,

I am not saying that a keyoword with 0 searches is good, but low search keywords are fine. I have some sites with the homepage keyword getinng 100-200 monthly searches. Although more is better, as long as you are targeting the most relevant keywords to your site, you will be fine, no matter how many searches they get.(as long as they get some). Generally, I don't go for keywords with less than 100 monthly searches, although I have done that in the past. when you build some authority in your niche, and really get people talking about you, you can even create a keyword out of thin air.

but that is a bit of an advanced strategy, and you really need to know how to create a buzz in the niche in order for it to work.
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jmpruitt wrote:Hey Har,

I am not saying that a keyoword with 0 searches is good, but low search keywords are fine. I have some sites with the homepage keyword getinng 100-200 monthly searches. Although more is better, as long as you are targeting the most relevant keywords to your site, you will be fine, no matter how many searches they get.(as long as they get some). Generally, I don't go for keywords with less than 100 monthly searches, although I have done that in the past. when you build some authority in your niche, and really get people talking about you, you can even create a keyword out of thin air.

but that is a bit of an advanced strategy, and you really need to know how to create a buzz in the niche in order for it to work.

Yes, James you did not say 0 searches good. You are a maestro as you have theory as well as practical. My homepage has 140+ monthly searches. So following you I am not going to change my homepage (and the same direction has been implied by the staff-Michellerana) and I shall do some additional articles instead. If I get the guidance at this forum or from you I shall endeaver to turn it into authority site. I can say that comments from James are almost another name of confirmation.

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