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Is this the right RSS feed idea?

Posts: 29
Joined: 25 Aug 10

Is this the right RSS feed idea?

Hi everyone,

I pre apologize for the length of this post. I’m a newbie and trying to get my head wrapped around this, wish I knew of a shorter way to ask but here we go….

Let me explain what I want to do with RSS feeds 1st so you can understand my questions

1st get my RSS feed from Blogger send it to

2nd Hubpages then get My RSS feed from Hubpages and Blogger send to

3rd Squidoo, get RSS feed from Squidoo, Hubpages, and Blogger send to

4th Tumbler, get RSS feed from Tumbler, Squidoo, Hubpages, and Blogger send to

5th Technorati

6th Twitter all pages

7th Ping.in all pages

OK first off is I guess the most important question, Is this even the right way to do this? My brain feels like it might explode trying to figure this out, lol

Second question, If this is all setup do I just need to add content to Blogger being the first link in this chain? Everything else will update automatically from the blogger feed right? That would be a huge time saver, if that’s right?

Third question provided any of the above is correct, If I add a new blog to Blogger with 5 links in it, does every link in this chain multiply that five links through the RSS feed when it updates?

I’m not sure if that’s clear, I think half my brain didn’t want to get out of bed this morning to do this, lol.
Another words if I start off with a 5 link blog (just an example) at Blogger send it to Hubpages through RSS feed then Hubpages now has ten.

So that’s 15 links from just one blog in those two links of this chain.

Then the next one (Squidoo) would have 15 making a total of 30 with the next link (Tumbler) having 20 making a total of 50.

And finally the 5th link (Technorati) would have 25 making a grand total of 75 back links off of the one posted blog on blogger to get the whole thing started.

Man I must be totally wrong on that one. Someone tell me I’m right, PLEASE!!

That would leave so much more time to interact with the blogging communities instead of having to post all these blogs on each site.
Thank You and Good Luck to all
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
Hi Unit,

Your plan looks really good to me, but my brain isn't working very well on the math side this very moment so I cannot say whether you are right or wrong about the 75 backlinks total.
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Posts: 29
Joined: 25 Aug 10
Hi Fara,

So your saying that plan works? that's great news, I wasn't sure that I was even right about the basic structure.

Does anyone know if the backlinking math in this example is correct? or maybe I could just call up Mr. Ling and ask him? anyone got his number handy? lol
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Posts: 29
Joined: 25 Aug 10
Well I’m performing this strategy now and I have yet another question.
When I look at my RSS feeds they are striped of back links? Are they still there or not?
I realize that it has been converted to its simplest form in the XML format but are the links gone or hidden or what’s the deal here?
Thanks, Unit
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This topic was started on Nov 17, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
