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Is there any way to search Google USA from NZ?

Posts: 248
Joined: 25 Jul 10

Is there any way to search Google USA from NZ?

Traffic Travis is showing me ranking #4 in Google (USA) for one of my seach terms. So I went to Google (NZ) and typed it in and I couldn't find my site ranking anywhere. Then I set the TT SEO analysis to analyse the keyword for NZ and it said I am #10 in NZ. As I have said in another post, I'm finding TT's results very hard to trust - there are major inaccuracies. Is there any way that I can make Google present the USA results instead of the NZ ones so that I can check to see if I am actually ranking in the USA for the keyword in question?
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You have tried google advanced search regions

try a US free proxy
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Posts: 248
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I think http://www.google.com/pda is one. Thanks.
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Instead of going to www.google.co.nz, go to www.google.com. I think that should default to US.
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Also I've found that results are varying even between searches from the same country/extension. You can do a search on the same set of keywords, within the same Google domain extension within hours of the last search and get completely different results!

There is some suggestion that Google is rotating search results to 'see what sticks'- but who knows?
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mark schaaf
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I have always found google results to be odd and up and down all the time. As far as the TT stuff things aren't always what they seem because if TT says you are ranked as #4 it doesn't mean you are in position #4 on page 1 it means you have a #4 ranking for your keywords and there could be 20 or 30 or even a 100 sites with the same ranking for those keywods which means depending on how good your site is campared to the other sites you could show up almost anywhere.
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Posts: 248
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Thanks Gradyp. I did try going to google.com, but it redirected to google.co.nz. Now it seems to work though!!!
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If that happens again, check to see if you're "logged" in. Maybe logging out will get you there. (I've also heard that being logged in will sometimes "highlight" sites that you frequently go to anyway.)
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This topic was started on Jul 27, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
