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Is Responsive Design A Ranking Factor?

Posts: 64
Joined: 01 Dec 15

Is Responsive Design A Ranking Factor?

He All,

I have heard that Responsive Design is a ranking factor. Is it true?
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Some benefits of Responsive Design:

1. Future proofing: Responsive sites work well across the multitude of existing devices on the market. It’s a safe bet it will for the considerable time to come.

2. Better, faster, smarter user experience. Optimising your site no matter what the user selects to view it on makes their life easier. Happier customers mean a happier business.

3. Cost Effective: Responsive sites take a little longer to put together, but they survive longer and the unified approach means management, support and upgrades only need be applied to one place. That saves time and money.

4. SEO optimised: Managing SEO for separate mobile and desktop sites is hard and doesn’t produce great results. Google actually recommends a responsive approach to combat these problems and a consolidated view of your results means more focus.

5. Improve conversion rates: An optimized and consistent site, no matter what platform it’s viewed on, offers a better experience for the user which is more likely to lead to them engaging with your site than going elsewhere.
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The mobile-readiness of a website is considered to be one of the ranking factors in Google. You can easily test if you're mobile-ready or not by running your website link here: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools ... -friendly/
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Yes it is one of the crucial factor of SEO as it is about getting and reach target audience that people will look your site on different screen size devices for your services.
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Posts: 42
Joined: 13 Feb 16
A Responsive web design is when a website’s design will seamlessly adjust to fit the user’s device, giving them the highest quality experience of your design and content. It is helpful for higher Ranks in Google, just because of more traffic.
More benefits of Responsive web design-
Increased Sales and Revenue.
Great User Experience.
Save time using Google Analytics.
No more duplicate content penalties.
Staying ahead of the competition.
Your Website Will Stay Relevant Longer.
Your responsive website makes it easier for Users to Shop Online.
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This topic was started on Apr 29, 2016 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.