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Is it ok to put in SS# to show google ads?

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Joined: 17 Jun 11

Is it ok to put in SS# to show google ads?

i was wondering if it was ok to put my social security number into google to show google ads on my site? my dads says not to do it becuase they might sell it to other people? but there is so many people that have it. i dont see y not? what do you think?
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Posts: 48
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Just make sure that you are actually on the Google AdSense site because there actually some websites that are bogus and might look like an official google page but it's not. Just be extra careful. But Google wouldn't do that. Google AdSense has been tried, tested and trusted. A lot of people are actually using this to earn money.

Again, just be extra careful with personal information on the web.

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If you don't want to use your SS number you can go on line to I believe the SS website and get an E I N number which is an employee identification number which can double as your SS number. I did this when I started and the two are tied together by the government but you can't get the ss number by knowing the E I N number.
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Google will not sell it to other people. They are required to report any money paid to you which is why they ask for your tax ID (SS#).
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