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Is a bigger site better or is there a limit?

Posts: 216
Joined: 26 Jun 09

Is a bigger site better or is there a limit?

Hello all.
I have a site that is starting to make some sales. I have 41 pages and my home page is #5 on page #1 of Google for a 4000+ per month keyword phrase. The sites above mine are about the same size as mine and in some case smaller. I have plenty of material that I could use to make my site twice the size and still keep it relevant. In short, would making my site much bigger help my rankings and conversions or will it not have any impact?
Thank you
Paul Burkhardt
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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 119
Joined: 29 Sep 09
As far as I know, it won't help you as much climbing the rankings for that specific keyword, but it will help you climb rankings in general since you're adding more articles there's more of a chance to get ranked for any.

You should focus on building more links to that page instead with anchor text keywords. In my opinion, links are king. I've seen my websites rank from no top 100 notation to #10 simply by backlinking. The site had little content.
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Hi Paul,

More content, as long as everything is relevant, high quality and unified, will make for more chances of recognition as an authority site :)
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Hi Paul,

I agree with faradina, the more quality content you have the better your site's chances not only for great ranking but for more acknowledgment as an authority site.
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burkhardt5 wrote:. I have plenty of material that I could use to make my site twice the size and still keep it relevant. In short, would making my site much bigger help my rankings and conversions or will it not have any impact?
Thank you
Paul Burkhardt
Never Give Up!

Increasing your content would allow you to target other keywords/keyword phrases, giving you more chances to rank in the search engines....Don't just focus on the rankings you get from your homepage but try to get your other pages to rank as well...Making your site bigger means you can add more pages, which can rank individually on the search engines...

Mark and Aletta discussed this in one lesson video....."thirty pages means thirty shots at the prize(ranking in the search engines)"...
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more content on one site then a bunch of smaller sites with less content is way better
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I think as long as your content is still keyword rich and optimized, there's no reason not to expand eventually.

I even heard that Google is starting to dislike Micro niche sites.
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more content, but specifically set out for seo in mind, and the flow of link juice.
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It seems that with Googles new Panda update this is even more important.
Check out this article about site content and quality.
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Paul J. Burkhardt
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One last question about amount of content and then I think I will be good to go.
A few of my pages have gone up to PR 1 but they are not much different from the others and have far less links to them.
I know that the incoming links PR will help or hurt the pages PR but they are basically equal. The only difference that I can tell is that they have a little more content. Is the amount of content on a page a big factor to google and if so should I bulk up the content to my whole site to get the pages PR's up which should help them rank better or is that not how it works?
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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 216
Joined: 26 Jun 09
On the other hand, would it be better to split up my content into more pages to try to rank for more keywords?
I have found some related keyword phrases that get some nice traffic and the topped ranked sites have very few links going to them so I think I would be able to rank well for these phrases just by spinning an article to article sites.
Any thoughts?
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Paul J. Burkhardt

This topic was started on Oct 23, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
