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Is A 301 Redirect The Answer?

Posts: 25
Joined: 07 Jan 09

Is A 301 Redirect The Answer?

Hi all,

Four months ago I set up two white label, custom stores (I own the domain name, the retail company provides the hosting) & I'm having real difficulty getting the second store to rank for an extremely easy misspelt keyword that has hardly any competition ... the first site is no problem & is ranking for a medium difficulty keyword.

The problem with the second store is that google is seeing it as mostly duplicate content, the home page is indexed but not ranking.

Both stores list the same 500,000 products, only the domain names & the front page title tags, H1, etc are different. I'm restricted to what I can change due to having very limited access to the hosting files.

Now, I think I already know that the answer is `Nope, that'll never work' to this next question but...

I have a wordpress site that's a couple of years old, if I create a new internal page & optimise it for the easy misspelt keyword, it should have no problem ranking fairly quickly.

Could I then do a 301 redirect & point it to the home page of my other second, white label, custom store?

Hmm, something tells me the solution isn't not going to be that easy but hey, no harm in asking.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Posts: 11
Joined: 27 Sep 11

Yes, 301 redirect is best option for you. 301 is a permanent server redirect. It is a change of address for a web page found in the htaccess file on apache servers. Also useful for dealing with canonical issues.

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Posts: 25
Joined: 07 Jan 09
Thanks for the reply Andy.

Can I ask...

Is it better to do a 301 redirect to my other domain straight away or wait until that wordpress internal page is ranking & then do the redirect?

If I build an internal page, optimise it for the easy, misspelt keyword & do a 301 redirect straight away won't Google ignore the optimised wordpress content & just view & judge the other domain's page content? ...if that is the case then it'll be pointless.

Ideally, I want my wordpress internal page to rank for its optimised content even though it's pointing to a completely different site that can't rank due to its duplicate content issues.

Surely it can't be that easy, when I do the redirect won't google ignore the optimised wordpress page & just view & judge the page it's pointing to?

Thanks again for any help.

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The content will be useless if you create a redirect right away so it would be better to wait for it to rank first.
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301 redirect is the most efficient and Search Engine Friendly method for webpage redirection. It's not that hard to implement and it should preserve your search engine rankings for that particular page. By doing so they maximize the chance that the target web page will benefit from an SEO perspective since the link text of the old URL’s inbound links will likely be applicable to the content of the new page if they are similar.
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This topic was started on Oct 10, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
