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Ideal word count per web page?

Posts: 16
Joined: 30 Aug 12

Ideal word count per web page?


I have been reading that users and search engines prefer non-paginated content more than paginated content. I have a 2000 word article and I am confused whether to split it into 2 pages or keep it in a single page.

I have seen an official Google webmaster video which explains that link juice and other indexing properties would be split across pages for paginated content unless rel = "next" and rel = "prev" or rel = "canonical" tags are used in paginated content pages ( if there is a "View All Page" option for the webpage, there is a chance that Google bot might consider paginated content as a single page and concentrate indexing properties to a single page). On top of that, it might be easier to repeat keywords naturally and get ranked higher for a lengthy article.

Hence, I am more biased towards keeping my 2000 word article in a single page. I would really appreciate any thoughts or suggestions on this. Thanks.

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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi Deepak,

You can keep the lengthy article as is but I suggest you make sure to place images and use sub headings as a 2000 article can be a bit lengthy for the average reader.

I still prefer to cut lengthy articles in two parts, then link the two. It makes it easier for reader to digest the article that way, which I think gives the article plus points for user experience. If the article is real good, I tend to expound on it, and make it into a six part series meant only for the subscribers on my newsletter series. I put a short article, like a teaser on my site, then the opt in form at the end. :)

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Posts: 16
Joined: 30 Aug 12
Hello Cecille,

Thanks a lot for your inputs. I liked the idea of opt in form.

Have a great day.

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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
I would suggest that if you can shorten the article a bit and keep it as one article I think it is better. I think if you break an article into two pieces that often people think it is two different articles or don't want to bother clicking to get to the rest of the article. I like to put long article into mini sections of lets say 3 or 4 paragraphs with a heading on the first, then do another 3 or 4 paragraphs with another heading on the first. I also think what Cecille said about adding pictures to the article makes sense that way people don't feel like there reading an endless article because from my experience people on the web have a very short attention span and if they have a few pictures to look at while reading it doesn't seem like the article is as long as it is.
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Posts: 16
Joined: 30 Aug 12
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Mark.

By the way, this is the official Google webmaster video I was talking about:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njn8uXTWiGg , just in case it is helpful for anyone in this forum.

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This topic was started on Oct 13, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.