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How to get the best result by seo?

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How to get the best result by seo?

I have been doing white hat seo for 1 years, but now black hat seo come into my mind because of some company problems. What can i do to rank my website first page quickly?
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Black hat SEO may increase your rankings faster than white hat SEO BUT it will only be for a time. We do not recommend you doing black hat because it will provide you more disadvantages than advantages. If you want faster results, you can check out paid ads instead like Google Adwords.
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Please don`t consider using black hat SEO. It may seem faster but I assure you that your website will suffer greatly because of black hat seo techniques.
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You can't buy popularity so fast. You may go for black hat SEO tactics and do some kind of fakery and that might even work for a little while. But Google, Bing, and YouTube look for anomalies, so such kind of anomaly could get you penalized and pushed down in rankings. You can check out latest SEO trends from http://onlineshouter.com/10-latest-seo-trends-that-will-affect-your-blog-traffic/ to see what you are missing out!!
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Hey Dear, Well! its not a good idea to opt a Black Hat SEO rather than White Hat SEO because once you get banned from search engine you never get a good ranking on it . As per my suggestion you should consult a SEO specialist so that you know it in a better way.
Thank You!
Regards Rosy
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White Hat SEO is long term plan. You can not get easily rank in small time.
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As per my opinion, use only white hat SEO technique. Because black hat SEO techniques are total against the Google Webmasters guidelines, so that, you might be penalized from Google.
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Forget getting ranked quickly, it takes lots of time and effort to move up on search engines as they already know the tricks with which people ranked easily before. They want to provide value so that people would prefer them.
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