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How do you SEO your images?

Posts: 18
Joined: 14 Aug 20

How do you SEO your images?

Hello iam new here, How do you usually manage the title in images and alt? Can you share please. thanks
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Posts: 59
Joined: 09 Aug 20
alt tag is the most important of your website image for On-Page SEO.
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Posts: 59
Joined: 09 Aug 20
The alt text should be the most concise description possible of the image's purpose. Usually, there's no need to include words like “image”, “icon”, or “picture” in the alt.
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Posts: 17
Joined: 29 Jul 20
Try and write alt text that describes images in a way that relates to the subject of the page on which it is, particularly when an image is more generic and not as specific as others.

DO NOT use your main keyword as the alt tag for every image on the page.
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Describe the image, and be specific.
Keep your alt text fewer than 125 characters.
Don't start alt text with "picture of..." or "Image of..."
Use your keywords, but sparingly
Don't cram your keyword into every single image's alt text
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Posts: 15
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Be descriptive and specific
Do not use longtail keywords
Don't include words like "image", "picture" or "icon" in alt
STICK to aesthetic description in surrounding media...
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Posts: 11
Joined: 03 Aug 20
1. Resize your images recommended (1024 by 680 pixels)
2. Optimize image file names
3. Use keywords on alt tags
4. Optimize image title
5. Include captions
7. Ensure the text matches the images
8. Use sitemaps
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Alt tag focus on your business or keyword. It's just a short way to describe your think.
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Resize your images.
Optimize image file names.
Use alt tags.
Optimize the image title.
Include captions.
Use unique images.
Ensure that your text complements the images.
Add image structured data.
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Posts: 62
Joined: 08 Mar 21
Steps to Optimize Images for SEO
Resize your images. Image size and file size are not the same thing. ...
Optimize image file names. ...
Use alt tags. ...
Optimize the image title. ...
Include captions. ...
Use unique images. ...
Ensure that your text complements the images. ...
Add image structured data.
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Posts: 11
Joined: 20 Dec 19
Resize your images.
Optimize image file names.
Use alt tags.
Optimize the image title.
Include captions.
Use unique images.
Ensure that your text complements the images.
Add image structured data.
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Posts: 15
Joined: 09 Nov 20
alt tag is compulsory with all images as per the SERP
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Posts: 7
Joined: 31 Jul 20
Choose the Right Format
Compress Your Images
Create Unique Images
Beware of Copyright
Customize Image File Names
Write SEO-Friendly Alt Text
Think About the Image File Structure
Make Your Page Title & Description
Define Your Dimensions
Make Your Images Mobile-Friendly
Add Images to Your Sitemap
Image Optimization Key Takeaways
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Posts: 3
Joined: 16 Feb 21
Basically, you need to enter alt text into your code where your image sits.

The text itself should be rather short and either use your chosen keyword (don't overuse it) or give an accurate description for readers with visual disabilities.
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Posts: 51
Joined: 12 Jan 21
Resize your images. Image size and file size are not the same thing. ...
Optimize image file names. ...
Use alt tags. ...
Optimize the image title. ...
Include captions. ...
Use unique images. ...
Ensure that your text complements the images. ...
Add image structured data.
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Posts: 31
Joined: 26 Mar 21
Steps to Optimize Images for SEO

-Resize your images.
-Optimize image file names.
-Use alt tags.
-Optimize the image title.
-Include captions.
-Use unique images.
-Ensure that your text complements the images.
-Add image structured data.
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Posts: 62
Joined: 08 Mar 21
Steps to Optimize Images for SEO
Resize your images. Image size and file size are not the same thing. ...
Optimize image file names. ...
Use alt tags. ...
Optimize the image title. ...
Include captions. ...
Use unique images. ...
Ensure that your text complements the images. ...
Add image structured data.
  • 1

This topic was started on Feb 24, 2021 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.