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Google Panda Update!

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Google Panda Update!

Here is a great post at Google Webmaster Central: Google Panda Update - New Advice Directly From Google.

http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot. ... ality.html

I hope this article can help you.

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thanks for this info
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Hi Yud,

Thanks for sharing!

Search is a complicated and evolving art and science, so rather than focusing on specific algorithmic tweaks, we encourage you to focus on delivering the best possible experience for users.

It is obvious in practically every paragraph in the article: QUALITY content. That is Google's primary requirement and it will do us well to remember it.
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This is a must read for all.
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JC Dean
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very very thanks for the updations
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So if you have been bitten and slapped by the Google Panda, Google itself shows you how to slap it back and make it behave.

Nice !!! That is good information and I see some things in that article that is going to help me.

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I just found a very good article with more info about Google Panda.
Check it out here.

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Paul J. Burkhardt
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this new Google Update is a powerful reaction onto content farms. So, everyone should concentrate one's attention at a content uniqueness
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We french are lucky to be "late" for a once, as the "google panda tsunami effect" first affected the us (feeling the pain of those who are still recovering), but the panic was, is huge here and SEOers that didnt exactly follow the rules are having some sleepless nights. Panda is nothing but the reinforcement of Google's strictness towards those who cross the (white hat ) line, which can be very thin sometimes. Not much to worry about if your content is good and fresh, if you've efficiently placed your ads, if your outbound links point to authority websites and if your affiliate links do not look too much as affiliate links :)
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thank you its really nice and great post really, appreciated to share with us
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Google has updated the Panda 3.2 on 15 the January 2012. On February 27th, 2012, Google has announced update 3.3 of Panda tweaks to its search algorithms. The changes concern 40 updates to improve the quality of Google search results. Updates concern results freshness, link evaluation, relevant media results, language improvements, location-aware results, plus many more.
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Google Panda is newly updated algorithm of Google which is useful to track the duplicate contents on your website..
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Recently Google update panda 3.9 on 24 July 2012 a refresh for a Google Panda algorithm. This updates claim to affect about 1% of search results.
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Google panda update information is frequently updated in .seomoz.org/google-algorithm-change website and visit it regulary to know google algorithm updates.
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Posts: 69
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Google Panda is newly updated algorithm of Google which is useful to track the duplicate contents on your website..
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Posts: 216
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Hey all!

I don't mean to drag out this thread, but I found a couple of really good articles regarding the penguin update.
Check them out.


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Paul J. Burkhardt
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In net world everybody is not a complete professional, and sometimes peoples knows a lot but they publish their blog roughly , may be they dont have time if Panda means how a blogger orders their information or how much they have value , but sometimes google gives a reverse gear to worthy website , can't understand it
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i am seeking last few months about of Google Panda Update. now i received the Google Panda Update. i and my seo team now very happy from Google Panda Update. now i can easily search any Google Panda Update. oh my brother many thanks for nice update.
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Hey thanks it was really very useful....
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Posts: 63
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I had a few sites that lost a ton of traffic from Penguin. One site went from 1,200 visitors a day to 200 just like that.
After asking trusted sources I finally found the most help from Jerry West's ebook on Google Best Practices.
The reason I recommend it is because he is all about testing and no opinions.
If he cannot test it, he ignores it.
He just released an update specifically to deal with post-Penguin, Panda, EMD updates and it is very useful
For the money it will save you a ton of time and answer questions authoritatively.
Google Best Practices
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Randy Hough
Genius in the making!

This topic was started on May 08, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
