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fresh content rehash

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

fresh content rehash

There was a question on the forum a few days ago asking how important is fresh content and everyone said it is very important and since i am by far no expert I have a question , If I have an article on one of my web pages that is great with lots of information and instructions why would I want to change it, and should I completely re write the whole thing, also I keep hearing that search engines don't actually look at web sites pages they look at all the behind the scenes stuff so how would they even know if you changed an article or not. And do most people mean fresh content by adding an article or another page to a site. Mark
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Posts: 373
Joined: 24 Nov 09
I am not familiar to the thread that led to this but I wouldn't change a good post.

I would keep adding more good post (fresh content) to your blog, and add back links.

That is what they probably meant.
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JC Dean
Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Hi Mark,
You should never change a good article after trying to get it ranked.
What is meant by adding fresh content is just that, " Add fresh and new content"
So expanding a site with new content is good.
The search engines do take notice of your articles and site content but they also like to see others linking too and liking your site as well.
Provide really good content and get some backlinks to your site by you yourself doing the link building and also by others linking to you just because they love your articles or site.

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-- Robert Brault
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Hi Mark,

Fresh content means new content, and not revising existing content, on your site :)

At least that's what it means to me.
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Site Admin
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You should also make sure that the information on your old articles is still current. Search engines want to see website updates and added content. They love fresh content but you need to make sure that what you will add is unique and relevant. Producing new and excellent content will help your site become an authority site.
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This topic was started on Dec 14, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.