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Formatting Articles for Free Traffic System

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Joined: 18 Aug 09

Formatting Articles for Free Traffic System


I have a bunch of articles in AMA already that I am trying to reformat for Free Traffic System. My AMA articles are formatted in the 3x3 method (each sentence is rewritten 3 times, plus some words within each sentence are spun again).

I am wondering if there is a way within Free Traffic System to do sub-spins within each spun sentence, as you can with AMA. Or do I need to strip out each sub-spin from AMA to format the articles for Free Traffic System?

Thank you for your comments.
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Hi I came across jetspinner.com which was used by stomper net they give you a certain number of submissions for free, you can take one spun article and turn it into 10, 20 ,30 ,40 ,50 or more there is also a great spinning service if you dont want to write the artice yourself done by http://www.pastorizo.com check them out I highly recommend them. by the way I have no affiliation with these guys but all the same the service is superb...
Much success if you need any other resources pm me
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I think Bestspinner will spin and export in Free Traffic System format.

Btw, what is AMA, surely not The American Medical Association? Just a small point - for newbies like myself, it would be good to write the full name of marketing tools or processes first and then abbreviate after so we can learn. Thanks.
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
Hi barryr,

AMA stands for Article Marketing Automation, a service that submits your articles to targeted blogs. With their service you have the option to spin articles. You can check out their service at AMAutomation.com
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Joined: 20 Jan 10
K. Thanks faradina. So its a bit like Free Traffic System that I am familiar with.

i checked and, yes best Spinner does allow you to export the spun article in the correct format for Free Traffic System (I did it myself yesterday).

You simply have to add a custom spin format which, for FTS would simply be [spin] | [/spin] and you are good to go.

Not sure about nested spins... as I can't remember the FTS capabilities for that, but would be easy for you to check.

The best thing is that you can spin as many articles as you want for elsewhere AND export in FTS format - or in any format you choose - having spun the article just once so this saves loads of time and mess-arseing about.
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Posts: 3
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barryr wrote:I think Bestspinner will spin and export in Free Traffic System format.

Btw, what is AMA, surely not The American Medical Association? Just a small point - for newbies like myself, it would be good to write the full name of marketing tools or processes first and then abbreviate after so we can learn. Thanks.

Yea..I actually bought MAR to just format FTS format..

Does you guys get GOOD results from FTS links? I swear this is one of the best services around when comes to SEO ranking !

Not sure why though...maybe someone can explain to me :)
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Last edited by cecille.l on 13 Apr 16 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: removed broken image

Posts: 6
Joined: 20 Jan 10
Actually any spun copy can be converted in seconds. If you have {.....|.....} format for example, simply copy it into notepad and click Edit>Replace (or press ctr + H) and put { in the top field and [spin] in the bottom field and click 'Replace all'. Then do the same with } and [/spin]

Job done. Less than 30 seconds. And you dont have to shell out $80 for software to do it.

It seems that nested spins will not work in FTS...which was the original answer to the question.

BTW if you can't afford a spinner or do not like using the free versions like articleapps, then just do it in note pad after you have written the article. Then if you use AS Helper which is a free article submission tool, it will spin the articles with each submission it makes anyway.

I used The Best Spinner until it became expensive and now use articleapps which is free. I get up to 25 article versions to download free and I use the original spin with all of the {..|..} in AS Helper. So that means I have 100+ submissions auto spun + 25 ready spun and the original (which goes on my site & Ezine) and then I convert the format and put it through FTS.

Then I weep when I read a post here or on The Warrior Forum saying that duplicate content anxiety is nonsense and people get page #1 without changing a thing on their articles. lol.
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