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EZA Topic Clampdown

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EZA Topic Clampdown

Ezinearticles are looking at whether they still allow articles for over saturated niches, specifically;

1. (I know, word banned) Enlargement
2. Get Your Ex Back
3. Acai Berry
4. Reverse Cell Phone Lookup
5. Credit Card Debt Relief
6. Male Enhancement Pill
7. TV for PC

.... And so it begins.....

Read the full post here - http://blog.ezinearticles.com/2011/03/o ... sions.html
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ezinearticles.com lost some rankings in the recent google algorithm change so there are bound to be some changes. Oh well, they do say that change is the only constant thing.

It seems that, in your ezinearticles author resource box, you can have links to sites that are unrelated to the topic discussed in your article. I have sample articles in different niches/topics in my ezinearticle account and I use the same resource box for all and it does not seem to be a problem. You can access my sample articles on http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Fara_Dina_Aquino to see my author resource box.

So perhaps you could cover a totally different topic (if your niche is no longer allowed on ezineraticles) and then include a link to your niche site in your bio in the author resource box.
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As a writer I would agree with Faradina. I have quite a few articles on various niches and they all point to different domains. The idea here is if you are going to still write on niches that ezinearticles is clamping down on make sure that it really adds value. People should find it useful, plus if it continues to get read there is no reason why ezinearitcles will remove your article.
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They're gonna ban get ex back article but allow weight loss articles? That's weird, if there is saturated niche, I'd say it's weight loss
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I thought EzineArticles was a joke when I wrote for them the first time and took part in the #6 HAHD (it hasn't ended yet).. and reached an amount of 89 articles (left 11 to completion) but I decided to stop because I felt they were a joke.

Now this EzineArticles big-fuss-over-nothing just further confirms my suspiscions and feelings

Article directories are just big fat "auto-blogs" and "Adsense farms", only in this case the "automated posters" are humans.. the hard cold and truthful fact is that probably 99% of the users of article directories are internet marketers! Would you go to an article directory to look for content you want? I doubt so.. So-called expert article writing experts always talk about "Syndication" - that other users will take your article and post them somewhere else and link back to you.. well that does happen, but the rate of it happening is probably less than 5%, no matter how good your article is.. that's a fact

Perharps maybe Google is penalizing the concept of article directories or similar sites where they base their content off little guys like us in exchange for a couple of backlinks.. rather than Ezine articles themselves. So if it's the former, what's the point of making this fuss over nothing.. it is time to move on
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It's a good thing for EZA because there are waayyy too many articles on these topics that are all competeing for the same keywords.

I also bet that like Squid-gate a year or so ago the list only gets longer too!

Re; links in the resource box - I'm pretty sure that links need to be relevant to the article (add value to the reader) and this is one of the things that they will also be clamping down on.
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Hi Guys and Gals,

Okay, I want to add some of my personal experience with EA regarding "who" actually paroozes and reads the articles there. In general I have to say that EA is what I use for getting backlinks, but... it can be used for making money in Adsense and other affiliate programs too.

I have earned hundreds of dollars in Adsense money on this one site due to articles written unrelated to the IM niche. People read my articles then they read my resource box and click and go to my website where I have Adsense ads. One article alone has earned me over $300.00 in Adsense over the past 9 months or so. I have some posts on that one in here somewhere.

I started out by having 8 articles written and just let those sit. I've neglected that site until just this past week. Googles new algorythem likes my website so I'm putting some more energy into it trying to get the Adsense up from $30/$50.00 a month. Most of the Adsense has been earned through click-throughs by EA readers.

The key here is the article that generates a lot of click-throughs is really good and the resource box has a great little teaser to learn more about the subject on my site. Oh... I forgot, I've also been earning money in clickbank and Peerfly CPA ads. Those are more recent additions.

Many of the articles I outsource are boring and simply written for the resource backlink. Not surprising to note that I don't see people clicking over to my websites from those articles, but then again, I was not paying a premo price on the article content either.

Anyway, I just wanted to add this little bit of encouragement to those that may be wanting to do more with their articles in EA than just have backlinks in the resource box. There are lots of really poor quality articles on that site, but people other than "us" read them. ;)

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Hi I Know a lot of people really believe in Ezines but I am not afan because my writing is not that quality if you can get lots of traffic from ezines you are more than likely a great writer . I have heard from pro marketers that they get more traffic from Buzzle site because it has less competition and you stay on top longer. I was just checking my keywords for a jet pack site and all the Ezine articles that are on the front page of google in the golf niche have a page rank of 0 I guess google does not see ezines as websites. The other thing I noticed is the twenty ads around every article posted in Ezine !!! CAN YOU SAY SPAM ARTIST or what.I also have had many 3step ads make google front page with no great writing skills. Heres another idea all US free ads have page rank of 5 they can have lots of links and for $10 dollars a month the paid version you can post hundreds. I am getting off topic now so by.
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Hey Mack

Just a bit of a tweak to what you wrote;

I also have had many 3step ads make google front page with no great writing skills. Heres another idea all US free ads have page rank of 5 they can have lots of links and for $10 dollars a month the paid version you can post hundreds

3stepads have also been hit and as of last week are going through and deleting all articles that appear 'spammy' or that do not provide great content.

USFreeads.com has a page rank of 5, the category page has a page rank of 4. Unfortunately your actual ad has no page rank
(just like an individual EZA article)

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Over the last 2 weeks I have been having a (one-sided) battle with eZines. I have started a website in the make-money-online niche and had a few articles approved - including a review article on AffiloBlueprint 2.0. Now they are refusing to approve a good article, in my view, on SEO basics that is not spun or copied or produced by any other technique hated by Google.

The limp response from eZines is:
"Your article is unable to be accepted due to content on your link. We do not accept articles or links with content relating to
Affilliorama or any similar product. Please remove all such content
prior to resubmitting your article for review."

I do not see "Affiliorama" on any so-called super-saturated list. There is nothing on their site relating to this, as far as I can see.

A follow-up response, after yet more delays, said that the problem was specifically in my links. I have 2, as allowed, both in the resource box, pointing back to my home page and my page on SEO basics. Now take a look at their editorial guidelines on permissible links:

"Affiliate links will be allowed if the link is a domain name you own which forward/redirects to the affiliate link from the top-level of the domain name. For example, it is permissible to forward to an affiliate link from:


...but it would not be permissible to forward to an affiliate link from:


I read this as saying that links can only go back to your home page. If this is right, it means you can only have one link in your resource box (2 to the same URL are not permitted, even if you thought that could be worthwhile).

I have had quite a few backlinks and sales from other eZine articles so am reluctant to chuck the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak, by cutting any further ties with eZines, but this latest saga seems to be absolutely nuts to me. I am getting pretty hacked off with them, in case that is not already evident!

Am I missing something here? Has Affilorama been banned by eZines? Is affiliate marketing dead? How can we write about making money online without mentioning, let alone promoting, Affilorama?

All thoughts welcome!
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just means you cant use EZA for those articles. they are only one site out of thousands available. dont waste your energy or time on them. There are loads of blogs on Make money online that will do you more good than an Ezine article will anyway. heck in the IM niche, pm me with an article, and if it is any good, I will post it on my blog with links to your site included.
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Thanks James, advice and offer much appreciated. When I have something good enough for your site I will PM it to you.
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This topic was started on Mar 03, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
