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Does google know what it is doing

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

Does google know what it is doing

I always check the search rank of my site about once a week and have been watching my site move up the search pages for a few months. Last week I checked and was very happy to see that I was on page 12 for one search term and page 15 for the other.

Well today I checked and the term I was on page 15 for last week is now on page 19 and the term I was on page 12 for isn't showing up at all, at least not in the top 75 pages. I have had this happen a few times in the past and know it will be back but in my quest to try and make some sense of what the heck google is doing I wanted to check out some other sites to see what was going on with them.

After checking about 20 sites I have decided that either google's computers either are not working correctly today or that google is just crap and here is why. I found many sites with very few links and no page rank at all on pages far in front of pages with many links and with google rank. Here is my best example.

For my main search term I found a site with 48 yahoo back links no google back links and no google page rank and an alexa rank of 6,697,486 on page 12 of a google search but way back on page 19 for the same search term I found a site with 1327 yahoo backlinks 4 google backlinks a google page rank of 4 and an Alexa rank of 667,432. I check these pages a few times on several different back link checkers and they are all very close.

So the question is what the heck are google's computers doing. How in the world could a site with no google links, no google page rank and an Alexa rank of over 6 million show up 7 pages before a site with so much better stats the most important one being the google page rank of 4. My questions are also how often does this kind of stuff happen and what can or should be done about it.

Because if I had a site with a google page rank of 4 which is supposed to mean I have a real good site and did a lot of work to get it there and it shows up back on page 19 of a search and 7 pages back from a site with crappy stats and no google page rank I would be pissed.

From almost everything I have read any page with a good page rank should always show up before a site with no page rank. I think even though google is supposed to be the top dog on the web that I am not going to bother worrying about them anymore, they seem too unreliable with how there computers work and change how they check stats too often and would rather try to be #1 on yahoo then try being #1 on google. I don't know if anyone has done any research like this but if you have what are your thoughts.
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Is your site less than a year old? Sometimes when you put up a relatively new site, you'll see it ranking highly for awhile then drop away for a few months then go up again. Google is re-evaluating your site to see if it should remain in their index and what keywords it should rank for.

Don't worry about the other sites, they would drop in the rankings if they have low quality.

Just make sure your site is properly optimized. Keep building quality backlinks and add good content to your site regularly to provide a positive experience to your visitors.
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Google is constantly tweaking its algorithm and trying to provide better quality results. however, sometimes what they think is quality and what we think is quality are different. those sites that are ranking low might have a lot of duplicate content or other things that google doesn't like. also, you have to look at where those links are coming from.

Google is actually really good at what they do. my first suggestion to people who are frustrated with them is to stop relying on them to rank you and go find your customers yourself. it takes work, but think about how much work you are doing trying to please google. you could have had a lot of traffic by now if you would quit worrying about search rankings and go to the customers directly.
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mark schaaf
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I stopped worrying about google a while ago but I do get a little tired of so many people talking about them, but my point is if I were a top site on page 1 of google and bringing in lets sat 2000 a day and all of a sudden my site isn't there for 2 days who is going to pay me what I should have had while google screws around. That is what I mean and for a site with a google page rank to be so far behind one with no rank at all to me is a joke considering google puts so much importance on it. And I do go to the people I am trying to sell to in forums and blogs, I am getting more traffic but still no one is buying anything. Some of these people are on my site reading for 20 minutes or more, I have read about banner blindness and i have put arrows pointing to them and mention them in the article as well as putting links in the article and many people click on the links and still nothing.
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Stop depending on Google then.. if you want to depend on Google for your income, then this is what you are going to get.. either play by their rules and be under their whim and fancy or don't play at all
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Banner blindness is real. people won't often click on them. instead, link in text to your programs. Also, when building your sites, think about how your linking trains the people who come to your site. are you training them to ignore your links by only having affiliate links, or do you link to other valuable content?

this is really where blogs stand out from static affiliate sites, but youcan do it on any site.

Blogs get a lot of traffic through their links because they are sharing resources to other valuable content. For example, on my blogs, I usually only link to an affiliate product every 1 out o every 5 posts. and usually, it is worked in with other links to other blogs and valuable content around the web.

Focus on building a community and relationships through your site.

Honestly, I haven't seen PR to be that big of a factor in rankings. Most of my PR 0 sites are outranking much higher PR sites. it is a small factor, but not really that important. the quality and quantity of your links is more important.

You aren't entitled to getting paid out of hand. you have to work for it. if you are getting traffic, and it isn't converting, then you need to look at why isn't it converting. It could be the sources of traffic.

for example, I spend a lot of time in forums. but I spend more time and effort on the forums of membership sites and paid products than freebie forums, because these are full of proven buyers.

If you are only getting freebie seekers, then it doesn't matter how well you engage people, they won't buy. however, you can find more targeted buyers if you look for them.

Also, you need to look at how well your content is written.IF you have people spending 20 minutes on your site, that tells me you have engaging content, which is good. but do you have a strong benefits driven call to action? you need to tell people what you want them to do, and you need to show them how they will benefit from doing that.
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