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Competing for low and high search volume keyword phrases

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Joined: 11 Feb 10

Competing for low and high search volume keyword phrases

Hey Guys,

To make a long story short I'm new to affiliate marketing, I've been studying it since December of 09 but haven't put anything live yet because I work fulltime and have a family of five with three young children. I'm planning for mid september to have my first site online, and to take the next few months after learning more about online iteractions, analitics, and such.

So, I have a new wordpress site I'm looking to earn some extra cash from, I've done my research and found a profitable niche with clickbank products with gravity's of 167, 64, 54, 39, 35, 31 (all in the same niche) on average. Search results on google, yahoo, and bing all show 4 or more ppc ads for the related niche, and keyword phrases I've chosen. My chosen keyword phrases are all long tail (in my opinon buyer phrases) with 3 or more words and search volumes of 1,000+ local monthly searches in the g k tool.

In my keyword and market research I've noticed a handfull of keyword phrases that are two, even three word phrases that have a huge amount of daily searches 26,000+ and alot of competition. Now knowing that they are not buyer or crisis keyword phrases, and it would probably take a stupid amount of time to rank highly for them, if I could rank at all. I'm wondering if it's a good/bad idea to optimize a 20+ page free info, product review site with 1/4 - 1/3 of the pages optimized for the high search volume/competition keyword phrases, and the remaining pages optimized for lower search volume/competition. With the hope that if I stay on my A game I could one day rank highly for those keyword phrases and utilize that free search engine traffic for expose and maybee repeat visitors for sales.

I should also say that when my site goes live I will only be focusing on seo, and the organic search listings to drive traffic until or even if I can turn a profit from this site. If I can turn a profit I plan on then re investing that income into ppc ads on the lower competition keyword phrases my site would already be optimized for. I hope this makes sense and is not rambling on too much.

Any thoughts or input on this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
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Posts: 373
Joined: 24 Nov 09
You can't assume that a phase has too much compatition just base on the search volume. Use a free tool called Traffic Travis to acuratly judge the compation.

I haven't personally had much experience geting larger sites ranked for many different key words, it is something I have just recently tried to master. I know it will take alot more work and backlinking. You will probably want a tool to help with the back linking like Like Juicer. (Just opened my account today)

I used to taget the micro niche keyword phases with micro niche sites and got indexed rather easy. But Mark Ling (He is whos forum you are on) has motivated me to try my skills at larger sites that pull in traffice from more keywords.

I guess my advice to you is use traffic travis and if your keywords don't have too much compatition, why not go for the larger site.

Hope I helped.

Sorry if my spelling is bad, don't have fire fox at work to spell for me.
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JC Dean
Posts: 3918
Joined: 19 Jun 09
Hi Ted, and welcome to affilorama. you will learn a lot here. you have a good plan except, stop trying to learn it all and just start doing it. take things one step at a time, and learn one thing rather than trying to learn everything. build a page and get it online. it doesn't have to be perfect. I recently started a new site, and had my first 20 opt ins on my email sign up, and my first sale with only 4 pages that were badly optimized. That site still only has four pages, and no links, yet I am still getting some occasional sign ups to the list.

I do recommend setting up an email capture page and start building a list ASAP. that was the one thing I put off "till I could afford it" and I have found that I am making more sales through my list than through my site, and I just started building my lists about 3 months ago. been building sites for over a year.

If you can afford it I highly recommend investing in Marks affiloblueprint, as it will teach you how to do everything that you need to get going. I started with it and had my first site up within a week.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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Joined: 11 Feb 10
Thanks for the feedback and recommendations guys,

Traffic Travis is a great tool, I've been using it since about February 2010 and it says for my chosen keywords the seo difficulty is medium difficult or something like that. I guess the only thing left for me to do is get this thing online and test these keywords, and landing pages to see first hand how, or if they'll convert.
I have to admit I have said to myself "I need to learn how to ...., before I'll put this site online" Next thing I know I spent a whole month learning css and html from books and other media just so I could learn how to modify some free wordpress themes. I took a lot away from the studying, but that is a whole month that my site could have been online making some sort of a presence in the search engines.
I agree with you jmpruitt I just need to get this online and learn the way as I go and as I fail. Well thanks for the input guys and I'm sure I'll be back at a later time.

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Posts: 90
Joined: 18 Aug 10
always target keyword should be high search volume that will help for generate more traffic.
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