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Competing against big sites

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Competing against big sites

Hi there!
As you can see, I'm new to this forum.
I'm using traffic travis to find keywords that are worthy to rank for and I found something psoriasis related.

I'm using this only as an example to better understand how it all works. Traffic Travis says that rankinf for "psoriasis treatment" and "psoriasis cure" in relatively easy but, when I make a search for these keyword on google, sites like mayoclinic, health.com and other important sites come out.

I'm fairly sure that I can't compete against these sites because they have thousands of backlinks, by the way, I have a doubt:

how can i find backlinks not fo the domain in its entirety but only for that single page?

Is there a difference or these pages rank for their main domain overall pagerank?

Thanks in advance!
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Buddy I don't understand your whole question properly there are many grammatical and spelling mistakes which creates no sense but as far as i could understand here are my suggestions:-

I'm fairly sure that I can't compete against these sites because they have thousands of back links, by the way, I have a doubt:

It is very difficult to compete with those websites which are there for so long and have so many links but if you work hard on link building and use genuine and quality SEO then you can compete with them. Getting the first position is not the concern, first of all you need to be in top listings maybe in 100 then 50 and so on.

Is there a difference or these pages rank for their main domain overall pagerank?

The page rank for domain and other pages could be different because every page has got it's own PR.
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You will need lots of content and/or lots of quality backlinks.
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Site Admin
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You may also do reverse engineering and check their backlinks. From there you know where they are getting their backlinks from. Also, gettingtheir list of keywords would help.

Additionally, try to do as much quality linkbuilding as possible with good content distribution/syndication plus mix these with social media marketing.

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Of course there are key players in every niche, but I believe that a powerful SEO strategy makes it possible to eventually catch up with any competitor. For instance, you may take advantage of your business being a small one and optimize your site for specific key phrases: they may include some particular words your competitors don’t use, long-tail keywords, references to a location of the venue, short descriptions of treatment methods etc.
Another suggestion is to research your niche as thoroughly as possible. Figure out what keywords your competitors use, make a comprehensive list of them and try to detect the gaps you can fill in. Also pay a special attention to competitor’s backlink sources. As you are in the same niche, why not to make use of the same directories for article submission, forum commenting and other opportunities for getting relevant backlinks to your site.
Share the information about your business in the social media, post regular updates with interesting and engaging content and add the social sharing button to those pages you want people link to. In addition to social media sharing, try to find bloggers willing to write a post about your services or go for quest blogging yourself and thus get links to your site or a particular page of it. Just do routine SEO tasks one by one and it will definitely pay off in the end.
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Posts: 282
Joined: 05 Jan 13
It is quite natural that competing against big sites takes its own time. It all depends upon the volume of youf backlinks.
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This topic was started on Jan 17, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
