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Can Directory Submission Service Harm Your Site?

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Can Directory Submission Service Harm Your Site?

I am looking for ways to boost my backlinks and traffic and I am aware that getting too many links at once doesn't look good in the eyes of SEs, but can few hundred directory/SEs submissions, in a very short time, get my site penalized or banned? Is there any danger in doing this?

Same question goes for article directories, blog networks etc.

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Even if you were able to submit to 1000 directories today, chances are most of them won't be accepted for a few days, then googlebot has to come by to pick them up, so it's not as bad as you think.
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OK then. Thanks guys. I'll give it a shot.
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Most directories have different acceptance times, and are not all automatic. So, you should'nt have any problems whatsoever! P.S DMOZ is probably one of the most influential directories to get into (But it's hard to get in)
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Hi There -
I'd like to offer my two cents here if I could.

The first thing that's important to remember is that not all directories are created equal. Just because something says it's a directory does not mean that it will be a worthwhile link to your site and there's quite a few directories that will do you no good whatsoever; all they do is take up a lot of your time submitting to them.

Second, Google especially does frown upon too many links to your website too quickly. If you go from 0 to 100 in a matter of a week, this sends up a few red flags to Google and could possibly make them scrutinize your website more than they normally would.

I've always suggested to my SEO clients to keep the link-building to around 20% new links each month based upon the number of links you currently have.

For example, if you currently have 100 incoming links to your site, then over the next month you'd add 20 new incoming links. The following month, since you'd have 120, you'd then add 24 new incoming links.

I know that a lot of people want good search engine rankings nearly overnight, but it just doesn't happen that way. A good link building strategy will be slow and methodical; in other words, natural.

I hope that helps shed some light on the topic for you.

- Kristine
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thats some good tips cheers for that
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Thanks EvoBilly.
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On sites that are relatively new, ie. Just indexed by Google, I recommend my clients and I my self included, to limit link building to just 5 a week, then after a fortnight move upto 10, then 5 extra a week after that. This type of method is very cautious, but for older more trusted sites this isn't generally a problem. I do however still limit the amount of links obtained, but sometimes this is beyond your own control.

Just my two pence!! :-)

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The worst that can happen is that the links do not count. If links pointing to your site could harm it, then you could damage your competition without their involvement.
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Yep Jasbet, you can weed out the weak competition (the one page type review sites with weak link profile) if you really want to. They wont even know what hit them...
Bad directory submission can hurt.
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Really good info here. I have been doing directory submission manually via Directory Submitter. It does take awhile, but I got all the time in the world. Well, almost.

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Yes the main issue with using a directory submission service is that you will be getting 1000 links in a very short period of time. This type of links will appear very unnatural to the search engines and can get your site penalized.
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