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Can adding a email list to aweber cause problems?

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Joined: 26 Jun 09

Can adding a email list to aweber cause problems?

Hello everyone.
This may not be the right forum for this but I couldn't find a better match.

I just did something that seams to good and easy to be true.

I just got an idea to do a search for an email list that relates to one of my niches. Sure enough I found some.

Then I stopped dead in my tracks, " this would be spamming". What I want to know is, if I would add these email lists to my aweber list would they be considered spam or would they likely get to the inbox.

If so would it be a good idea to send individual emails to these addresses under a niche related email address inviting these people to my site?

Could this get me or my site in any kind of trouble?

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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 475
Joined: 28 Apr 09

First of all, yes, using a list of people that did not optin to your list is spamming.

When you import the list into Aweber, it will not actually add them to your list right away, but will send them each an email asking them if they want to optin. So if you added them and they opted in, then that would be a legal list, however, how many of them will actually optin is something that no one knows, and I would guess that not very many if any at all.

Also, if Aweber knows that you are importing a list that is not yours, they'll probably terminate your account, check their TOS.
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Only bad things will likely come from this.

The leads you get are not likely to be good ones since they didn't actually request info from you and they'll probably be very suspicious of who you are.

Best to get emails legitimately :)
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Hi Paul,

I agree with esolutions and cterao. Building an email list is a long process but slow and sure is better. This way you know that the people subscribed to your list are targeted consumers and not random individuals who may not be, or will ever be, interested in your newsletter/products.

Email lists also cost and the money you will put into buying an email list will be better spent on driving traffic to your site.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Thanks everyone .

I figured that this was somehow going to be a bad thing. So lets just put this issue to bed.
Buying Email lists = (BAD)!

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Last edited by burkhardt5 on 21 Apr 12 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 3918
Joined: 19 Jun 09
Paul, edit that to "buying email lists = bad" email lists themselves are really critical to your long term success. they can be a great traffic source and help with engagement. however, you want to do it yourself. "Safe Lists" are really not safe at all and buying into the hype can get you a lot of spam complaints, which will get you blocked by most of the good email spam filters out there.
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