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Bounce Rate Vs Exit Rate

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Bounce Rate Vs Exit Rate

Hello folks,

I am confuse between bounce rate & exit rate.
Can anyone please explain here about different between bounce rate & exit rate in simple words?
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Bounce rate is the percentage of people who landed on the page then left. Bounces are always one-page views.

Exit rate is the percentage of people who left the page. There may be instances where the exit page is different from the entry page. The exit rate includes more than one page views in a session.
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lisahandson wrote:Hello folks,

I am confuse between bounce rate & exit rate.
Can anyone please explain here about different between bounce rate & exit rate in simple words?

Aside from what Mary pointed out, I would suggest to not stress too much over the bounce rate, because in some cases this metric is irrelevant (see the case of landing pages)
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For all Page Views to the page, the exit rate is the percentage that were the last in the session. For all sessions that start with the page, bounce rate is the percentage that were the only one of the session. The bounce rate calculation for a page is based only on sessions that start with that page.
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Hey all!

Since were on the subject of Bounce rate and Exit rate I want to share the way I see the relevance of these two stats. I see Bounce rate as a percentage of people that come to a website and either find what they were expecting or not. A high bounce rate often means that visitors either arrived at a site by accident, it is not as it was represented or the site is not set up well and unattractive.

The Exit rate is a good indicator of a poor page on your site. If your visitors tend to exit on certain pages, that is a indicator that you should revisit them and revamp them to make them more desirable.

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Paul J. Burkhardt
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At a glance
To understand the difference between Exit Rate and Bounce Rate for a particular page, keep the following points in mind:

For all page views to the page, Exit Rate is the percentage that was the last in the session.
For all sessions that start with the page, Bounce Rate is the percentage that was the only one of the session.
Bounce Rate for a page is based only on sessions that start with that page.
In depth
Let's clarify this last point with a simple example. Your site has pages A through C, and only one session per day exists, with the following pageview order:

Monday: Page A > Page B > Page C
Tuesday: Page B > Page A > Page C
Wednesday: Page A > exit
The Content report for Page A would show 3 page views and a 50% bounce rate. You might have guessed that the Bounce Rate would be 33%, but the Tuesday pageview granted to Page A is not considered in its Bounce Rate calculation. Consider that a bounce is the notion of a session with only one interaction from the user, and the session-centric analysis answers a simple yes/no question: "Did this session contain more than one pageview?" If the answer to that question is "no," then it's important to consider which page was involved in the bounce. If the answer is "yes," then it only matters that the initial page in the session leads to other page views. For that reason, bounce rate for a page is only meaningful when it initiates the session.
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Bounce rate is known as the percentage of people who landed on a page and immediately left. Bounces are always one page sessions.
Exit rate is known as the percentage of people who left your site from that page. Exits may have viewed more than one page in a session. That means they may not have landed on that page, but simply found their way to it through site navigation.
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BOUNCE Rate is the percentage of visitors that hit your website on a given page and don’t visit any other pages on your site.
EXIT Rate is the percentage of visitors that leave your site from a given page based on the number of visits to that page.
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This topic was started on Mar 26, 2016 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
