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Best link building method

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Best link building method

What will be the best link-building strategy this year?
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Posts: 12
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I think guest posting is still the king of link building. Every time I get quality backlinks from Kallisto and other backlink providers, it almost automatically generates organic traffic to my website. 
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Posts: 13
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I think guest blogging is still relevant for link-building this year. But I didn't use this strategy because I wanted faster results. That's why the tactic I use for link-building is buying niche-edit links on Kallisto. I prefer to have my links inserted into existing posts that are already indexed by Google.
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There is a lot of link-building strategies in the SEO world. Here are some for you
Broken link building strategy
Write guest post
Competitors analysis
Resource link building
Strong active on social media and so son

Best of luck
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Link building is the process of getting links from another website to your website. Links are used on a webpage in two ways, First, it is used by users to navigate from one page to another page and from one website to another.

The ranking of websites depends on the following three factors.

Page Backlink Factor
Page backlink factors mean factors of referring pages (External web page linking to your web page) which can affect the ranking of your site.

Domain Backlinks Factor
Domain Backlinks factors mean, referring to domain factors that can affect your site ranking. These are:

1. Referring domain – number of unique domain

2. Domain rating – Strength of that domain

3. Referring pages – Pages referring to that domain

4. Backlinks – Total number of backlinks pointing to that domain

On-Page Factor
Next website ranking depends on on-page factors such as keyword in the title of article or blog, keyword use in heading if you are using keywords in your content, and targeting keyword in your meta description. In research by Ahrefs of over 2 million keywords to measure backlink factors, they found a correlation between page, domain, and on-page ranking factors. In the below graph, you can see how each factor is important for your website ranking.

Best Link Building Methods:

Link Bait
Create content that attracts links naturally due to its high value or unique proposition. Links are considered ‘earned’ rather than ‘built’. Although that is not to say that Link Bait content does not require promotion.

Guest Blogging
This strategy is very effective for link-building the meaning of Guest posting is writing and publishing an article on someone else’s website. For that, you need to approach your industry-specific websites then need to send an outreach email to them.

Use HARO for Quality Backlinks
H-A-R-O (helps a reporter out) is basically a gold mine full of opportunities for getting high-quality backlinks and referral traffic. This is literally one of the cost-effective and trustworthy ways to gain natural backlinks.

Forums like Quora and Reddit are excellent places to share your expertise and create trust and relationships with potential consumers.

Off-page SEO has its own importance, but don’t forget about the on-page SEO activities. No matter how strong your off-page is, without proper on-page SEO, you may not get a higher ranking in SERPs.

Brand Building
Branding is much more than just having a cool logo or a well-placed advertisement.

Brand building is basically generating awareness about your business using strategies and campaigns with the goal of creating a unique and lasting image in the marketplace.

In reality, there is no shortcut for link building. You need to add value through your content to your website users. If you want to know more methods of link building read this blog.
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Guest posting is still the king of link-building for me. But I also want to buy a niche edit on Kallisto and try this link-building method. They say niche editing has faster results.
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The best strategy will be the custom strategy. Using the general strategy of anyone may work maybe doesn't.
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Agree with Soleseriouss.
Customized always works better compared to following the general one!
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louiseking23 wrote:Guest posting is still the king of link-building for me. But I also want to buy a niche edit on Kallisto and try this link-building method. They say niche editing has faster results.

I am also a Kallisto customer. I've been building backlinks through niche editing and I love it. You can generate traffic faster and it's a very affordable method. I think this method is the most underappreciated link building strategy.
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Guest posting for sure, as it's still one of the most effective strategies for building links, then being active on different digital platforms, putting linked signatures and banners on forums, fixing some broken links, doing skyscraper technique, and updating some existing articles with the new content, and so on.
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Guest posting has been my link-building strategy for more than a year now. This strategy always works for me. I haven't tried any link-building methods yet besides guest posting. I use Kallisto to easily find guest posting opportunities. I think guest posting will still be the most used link-building method this year and in upcoming years.
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Also, if your strategy is working fine, no need to change it yearly. Of course, you can add new but no need to change the list completely.
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I have good success auditing my competitors and trying to get the same links they have that are driving the most traffic.
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I think guest blogging is one of the best method or blog commenting. But I’d advise you to contact agents or experts to do it for you cuz it’s not as easy as it may seem. It will take a couple of dollars but you know it’s worth it. There’s this seo agency that gave me a site audit and where my faults where. I think you need that too in order to know where you need to improve on. Because what you think might be best for your website might not even be the best
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Custom link building strategy works best instead of following any random link building method.
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Do you really think that focusing on a single link-building method will help you rank your website?
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gonzalezkathy30 wrote:What will be the best link-building strategy this year?

There is no one best link-building method. However, some common methods include:

1. Creating compelling content that others want to link to. This could be an informative blog post, video, or infographic.
2. Submission to directories and industry-specific sites. This can be a time-consuming process but can be worth it for the high-quality links you can earn.
3. Guest blogging on other sites in your industry. This is a great way to build relationships with other thought leaders in your field while also earning links back to your site.
4. Asking existing customers or clients for links back to your site/content. If you have provided them with value, they may be willing to link.
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So, which method did you pick? and which works well for you?
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yes, guest posting is the best way to link building strategy.
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well there are many link building method existing you just pick which is the best for you maybe profile link building, forum link building and many more. you could check out https://youroutreachspecialist.com/ link building and guest posting services.
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The best link-building strategy is to build links naturally. Make sure you create contextual backlinks and also bring variation in anchor text.
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Ask for backlinks
Build relationships
Give a testimonial
Start a blog
Guest post
List your site in trustworthy directories
Recover your dead backlinks
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