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backlinks when will they get here

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

backlinks when will they get here

I have a few questions about backlinks again and hope I can get some good answers, First I have been doing my link building for a little over 3 months and it is going real slow this is why i always find it funny that people promoting something always say they got 500 links in a month. anyhow when checking traffic travis all my links say they are from yahoo and nothing from google, is this because the sites the links are on could be hosted by yahoo. also my site has been up for at least 4 months and it still has no google rank when i check things out on traffic travis. so how long does it take for my site to get a rank. I have many articles on ezine articles site and most of my baclinks are from there, I have done so many of the things that Mark ling said to do by listing with hub pages, i put up a lens on squidoo, have submitted to stumble and every other place i can find as well as Dmoz. I know it will take a while if ever for my listing to show up in Dmoz but what about all the other places, Like I said it has been months and a lot of work doing all this and i only have the link from ezine articles and whoever they share with as far as back links, so how long should it take for any of the links from non article places to show up. I know if i keep at it things will happen but it would be nice to see some results. When I have a new article show up on ezine articles I go to traffic travis and I have a new link but i am still waiting for the rest. I know i have some links but wouldn't it be a lot better if all my links weren't coming from the same place. thanks
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Posts: 869
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Hi Mark,
It can take a while for backlinks to have any affect on rankings etc.
If your site is not showing in Google it could be sandboxed meaning Google is not sure what to do with it yet or how to rank it.
Maybe you could post your site here so we can take a look.
Also, I would not just be getting all my links from EZA, you need to get them from lots of places and at different intervals.
If you have not already done so, take a look at this blog article...

Make sure you get some .edu or .gov backlinks links in there as well.

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Last edited by sydney on 08 Dec 10 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: 404 link fixed

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if you type "site:<yousite.com>" in a google search window do your pages show up?
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Site Admin
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There is no set time for the search engines to discover your backlinks and they do not always show all of them. The search engines take time to index the net and they don't report all your backlinks. Yahoo gives the most results but most of your backlinks in Google usually doesn't show, even if they have already crawled those backlinks.

Just continue building your backlinks through article marketing, article directory submissions, bookmarking, forum posting, blog commenting, and participating on social networking sites.
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Hi Mark,

Try pinging your back links as they are created. This ensures the links are indexed by the search engines. I use pingler.com

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I've found that if I announce a new posting on twitter, the link gets picked up very quickly by google. For example, if I put up a new squidoo lens and announce it, then within a day on yahoo site explorer the link will be showing. Also, I don't really trust google's display of inbound links - they definitely do not show all of them. I've found yahoo site explorer to be a much better tool.
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neither yahoo or google will show all the links that you have, although yahoo does show more than google. this keeps the competition from being able to see everything that you do, otherwise, the already fierce competition for some sites would be way too complicated.

As far as link building, there are a lot of ways to get links quickly. I got over 500 links across various sites yesterday alone, so 500/month is no big deal, but you probably wont get there doing it all manually. Try out some submission software, or using the networks like AMA, UAW, or SEO Linkvine. these are designed to get you massive links without doing them manually.

also, as troy said, you need a lot of different sites giving you links. there are thousands of sites out there, so use your imagination, and see where you can go. Link building is one of the toughest parts of this business, but once you get that down, you can do anything you want.
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