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Backlink from Squidoo Lens

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

Backlink from Squidoo Lens

I put up a Squidoo lens a few months back and it has some good reviews on squidoo. I put up the lens because so many people said it was a great way to get a good back link. As I said I put the lens up over 2 months ago however when I check my back links I never see a link from Squidoo. is this something that takes a lot of time because I put up a hub on hub pages last weeks and there link is already showing up on one of the link counters I use and I think it shows up on TT as well. any ideas, Mark
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Posts: 239
Joined: 29 Apr 09
Hey Mark,

I find my Squidoo lens usually takes from a few days to a week to get indexed.

A few things you could do to help the indexing of it:

1. Go to a site like pingomatic and ping your Squidoo RSS feed. (pingler.com is another awesome one).

2. Fire some bookmarks at it 10 - 20 should do. Optional: If you want to take this to the next step you could also ping the rss feeds (if the site has them) for each individual bookmark to your Squidoo lens. You do not have to do this as it is a bit time consuming but it does help.

3. Make 5 - 10 comments on high PR do follow blogs (don't stuff your keyword just use your name or alias). These links will get indexed fast.

Pinging by itself is usually enough to get your site indexed but by going that little bit further with all three steps should greatly speed up indexing.

Hope that helps,

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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
Thanks Alex. I did ping my squidoo lens a while back and haven't seen anything yet. also I don't know what you mean my fire some bookmarks at it. I have never heard of this, Mark
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Social bookmarking means using sites like Digg, Delicious, and stumbleupon to engage people interested in your niche and get yourself known by people who are interested in your niche.

My addition is have you tried to engage the social community on Squidoo? they have a huge community of people, and if you comment on other lenses, comment in the forums related to your topic, and get to know people there, you can drive people to your lenses.
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