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Article Marketing failure, or not?

Posts: 15
Joined: 15 Feb 10

Article Marketing failure, or not?

Well I have targeted two keywords for the site I am working on right now. I have unique articles hand written articles on my site that target those keywords. I have submitted and heavily rewrote them using AMA. I have hand submitted spinned versions of each article manually to about 25 article directories ( each article is spinned to atleast 200% difference). Now one keyword that targets my home page is #24 on google (which is a bottom of the second page) Other keyword does not get any search results.

I have done massive keyword research, and each keyword had 4star difficulty from TrafficTravis. What am I doing wrong? Should I try to build more backlinks? If so how?

Site is "http://wowspo.com" keyword: wow strategy guide
Page: http://wowspro.com/wow-leveling-guide/ keyword: wow leveling guide
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Posts: 15
Joined: 15 Feb 10
I have just examined Marks website: Wowblackbook.com to see his backlinks, and the funny thing is that he has a lot of blog comments linking to his website, but they are all nofollow. Am I missing something?
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Posts: 75
Joined: 13 Feb 09
Hi DSedov,

Yep, you're missing Web 2.0 in your backlinking stategy and you're missing backlinking on high PR sites. but... the other issue can be the competition of the keywords you are targeting. In general when you are first learning SEO it is a good idea to target far lower keyword competition. The one you are targeting is right at about 100k in quotes. This will make your work harder and take longer for you to see good results.

Don't be discouraged. Your site reaks, "I'm a Warcraft fan" all over the place. I have PM'd you some suggestions.

Backlink some of your articles to boost the linkjuice to your site. Create a free wordpress blog for the simple purpose of gaining more linkjuice to your site. My free wordpress blog sent daily traffic to my site and I never did anything more than post articles weekly to it. I believe I posted 3 per week for several months then dropped off to two. Post links in your free blog to your articles as well.

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You also might just need to give it some time. I'm not sure how long you've been doing article marketing, but sometimes it can take awhile to get your articles approved and indexed.
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Exactly, give at least two or three months to your linking strategy.

You also want to use other backlink sources like article marketing for instance. You need to vary.


cterao wrote:You also might just need to give it some time. I'm not sure how long you've been doing article marketing, but sometimes it can take awhile to get your articles approved and indexed.
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It is always a good idea to vary your link approaches. Do not just rely on article marketing for backlinks. Do web 2.0, directory submissions, blog commenting, press releases, video, software and podcast submissions.

And like what has already been said wait for a month or so for results if using a varied link strategy. If you just using AMA then expect to wait longer for results as they drip in gradually and it take time for Google to find and index these links.
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