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Any recent SEO updates?

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Any recent SEO updates?

Any SEO updated News. How the upcoming days will be?
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SEO is always dependent on the algorithm change on Google. You may refer to MOZ Google updates here to keep informed: https://moz.com/google-algorithm-change
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Apart from the last updates I mean:
- Google`s core update
- Panda is now baked inside the core algorithm

We can expect the launch of the Penguin 4.0 update. When exactly, I can`t tell you, because even Google doesn`t know it
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Google's latest update about Panda which has become the part of core algo.
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Hello all.
Google's new Real-Time Penguin 4.0 is expected to hit in the next few weeks( by the end of march at the latest). It is a major one, check out the post I started about it here https://www.affilorama.com/forum/seo/real-time-penguin-4-0-algorithm-update-a-must-read-t29513.html and be sure to read the article that I linked to it.
Never Give Up!
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Paul J. Burkhardt

This topic was started on Jan 14, 2016 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
