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AMA VS Elite Articles

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AMA VS Elite Articles

I have subscribed today to AMA. I am wondering if I should also purchase the Elite Articles software.

Elite Articles says that it distributes articles to 700 article directories. AMA says that they distribute the articles to relevant blogs (it is unclear to me how many sites are now part of the AMA network).

Will they be distributing articles to the same sites or are the sites entirely different?

If not Elite Articles, what should I do, specifically, to supplement the backlinks that will come from AMA?
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I don't know anything about elite articles, but I am willing to help for the end of your question:

You can do the following:

1. Blog commenting
2. Submit articles to other directories like ezinearticles.com
3. Social bookmarking
4. Forum marketing with link in your signature file
5. Use web 2.0 sites like squidoo, hubpages and others
6. Write articles on wiki sites
7. Yahoo answers, answer bags
7. Video marketing

Just to name a few...

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I am not sure if the 700 sites in their list are worth anything. Are they providing the list of sites?
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Mark recommends both AMA and Elite Articles. You may check his post through this link: post36020.html#p36020
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Thanks for your reply. I am trying to determine if AMA and Elite Articles distributes articles to the same sites. If I used both, would there be overlap and could I be guilty of duplicate content?

Mark doesnt answer this question in the post you referred to.
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I'm not really sure if they submit your articles to the same sites.

But I think that it won't be a problem as long as your articles are 50% different.
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I just found out that AMA and Elite Articles post to different types of sites. AMA posts to blogs and Elite posts to article sites. There will be no overlap since they submit to different types of sites. I think you won't have a problem using both services :)
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This topic was started on Jan 07, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
