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Alexa links

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

Alexa links

I have been doing this for a while now and have a few thousand links and most often track them on traffic travis but I also check things on a backlink tracking site that I have been using for years to check out other sites. In the last month they have revamped there site and now there is a new row showing Alexa back links. I have seen Alexa rank for a long time but never an Alexa back link count. For many of the sites I check there are many Alexa links but for my site with all the yahoo and google links I have I have no Alexa links. Has anyone heard of these and what is the difference between them and everyone else's links.
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Posts: 15
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Alexa may have not index your website that is why it is not showing backlinks of your website.
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Last edited by maryt on 26 Feb 13 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: removed anchor text

Site Admin
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Hi Mark,

I would not bother much about having backlinks on Alexa as this works differently than Google Webmaster tool and Yahoo Site Explorer.

Additionally, the stats you see in Alexa is based from user visits to their site. Meaning if users do not search your site using Alexa, then your site won't be included there. Also, Alexa website stat is not regularly updated, usually the stat you see is based from 6 months review.

So if you are going to use Alexa to analyze backlinks, it would not really be that helpful at all. Stick to Google Webmaster tool or Yahoo Site Explorer instead as these tools provide you with concrete information on backlinks.

I hope that helps!

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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Alexa links is just a measure of the number of sites linking to your website or blog. If there are 100 sites that link to your site (that is, have a link pointing to your home page or any other page) then your Alexa links score will be 100.
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Alexa statistics cannot describe SEO Status of the website.
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http://seohawk.com provides economical and affordable SEO services to clients worldwide.
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Nice information for Alexa links. I see Alexa links appear after some days.
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