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A New Spin on Google Duplicate Content Penalty

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A New Spin on Google Duplicate Content Penalty

Hi All,

Just came across this article that claims there is NO duplicate content penalty, quoted directly from Google’s Webmaster Central Blog.

Read the whole article here http://www.sitepronews.com/2010/04/25/t ... -the-truth

To me it does make sense but would be interested in hearing comments from any one else.

Take Care All
Steven :))
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These Google articles discuss the duplicate content penalty:
Demystifying the "duplicate content penalty"
Google Webmaster Central - Duplicate content

Duplicate content "penalty" is not really a penalty but just a term used for sites that are not shown on the search engine results because of having the same content as another site. Search engines (SE) will not exactly deindex your site but your site will not rank well since search engines want their results to give unique content.

SEs don't want to display the same article over and over again so they filter out duplicate articles. They group the content that are similar and select one to represent the cluster. You could find more information on duplicate content and how Google deals with it in the Official Google Webmaster Blog.

If your articles are unique, then they would rank well in the search results and will generate good traffic to your site.
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Thank you,
That clears the fog a little :))
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All you need to know when planning one of the most important times of your life http://www.squidoo.com/preparing-your-body-for-pregnancy
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You're welcome, Steven :)

Please don't hesitate to make a post or email us through the contact form at our support page. if you have other concerns.
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I personally don't spin my articles. I keep reading about people spending 5-6 hours spinning an article and that is just ridiculous. That time could be better spent writing more and more unique articles. It's perfectly fine to submit the same exact article to all of the directories. This is called syndication and it's perfectly normal and acceptable.

I usually submit to EZA first, and then I'll submit that same exact article to a bunch of other directories after the article has been accepted. I don't use AMA or anything like that.

The only reason you should be spinning is if you want different versions for people to read. If you're only using articles for backlinks, then don't bother spinning the article.
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there are a lot of benefits to spinning that you obviously don't understand. Yes, you can submit the same article, but you get less value for those links and you won't see it ranking for the searches.
Spinning is much faster than writing unique articles. You just need to look at the whole picture. You can spend 4 hours spinning an article (although that is way too long in my opinion) and get 100+ articles that are at least 70% unique. I don't know about you, but i cant write 100 articles in 4 hours that are worth reading.

If you are only using articles for backlinks, you are wasting your time. Every article that i post is meant to get Direct traffic first and help with seo second. When I started focusing my articles this way, my traffic went up, as well as search rankings for all of my articles.
When spinning articles for syndication, i spin them so that they target different keywords. i can then target a dozen different keywords and get them all ranking for their keywords, driving more traffic, and often more targeted traffic to my website.
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