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3 Way Linking... Good, Bad, or Just Plain Ugly?

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Joined: 28 Apr 09

3 Way Linking... Good, Bad, or Just Plain Ugly?

Hello everyone. Just wanted a collective opinion on 3 way linking services. Are you finding them effective? Or maybe you're thinking it is too black hat? Would love to know your thoughts.
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Posts: 239
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3 way linking in my opinion is not that good but it is not bad or ugly. There is no harm adding a few 3 way links into your promotional and link building mix but you do not want to rely on it totally. The whole aim of link building is that you want to mimic natural link acquisition. So that mean appearing under the radar and getting links naturally.

3 way links are nowhere near as powerful as they were roughly before 2 and a half years ago. And before that time reciprocal linking worked awesome...but things change and we as marketers have to adapt.

One way links are still best without a doubt but sprinkling in some reciprocal and 3 way links does look natural just do not overdo it, use sparingly!

Hope that helps.
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Posts: 30
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Thanks it does. I know some 3 way linking services slowly add the links to look more natural. Looks like artical automation is the thing right now.
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Posts: 16
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Yes, there are no any harm for 3 way link building but I believe in one way link building!
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Posts: 152
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3 Way links are not bad unless that is your linking strategy. 3 way links occur naturally too but if your entire linking strategy is based on 3 way links then its going to hurt you.
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What Benefits Exist in 3 Way Linking?
Citation analysis works well in academic environments but kinda falls a part in a commercially driven direct marketing environment (which is what the web is).

Many search algorithms may be able to detect link trading as an artificial means of boosting the popularity of both sites and discount the value of these links.

By doing a three way link from sites hosted on different servers a webmaster can build link popularity without the search engine being able to detect the link trading as easily.

The Problem with 3 Way Link Exchanges

Most people engaging in 3 way link exchanges are doing it with the express intent to manipulate search results. This typically means they are trying to make automated bots think their ideas are better than they are, and are willing to do deceptive things to do it.

There are legitimate reasons to do three way links, but most of the three way link partnerships I have been offered are not worth touching with a 10 ft pole.

The real problem is that if their two sites are not connected and they are primarily working to benefit the link popularity of their main site then it does not really hurt them if the site linking to you gets banned. If those sites get banned then they parse no link popularity to you.

In doing this webmasters can agressively market their high margin websites while keeping them somewhat shielded from the dangerous effects of their aggressive promotion.

Seo India
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Posts: 37
Joined: 30 Nov 08
I'll say this much: if you're creating 3-way links with other webmasters/websites without some automated/mgmt software, it is a major PITA to maintain.
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This topic was started on Jul 03, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
