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1000s of free backlinks to your site

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1000s of free backlinks to your site

Hi Guys

I was browsing around and stumbled on a few sites that claims that they can give you thousands of relevant free backlinks to my website and one works like a Pyramid system. meaning that you get 3 people to join under you and then you view 6 other peoples sites and wait 10 seconds and retrieve a code number and then go back to the members page and paste the number in a box, and then do this 5 more times..........the 3 people you brought in do the same thing and this is how you get a lot of visits to your site. and after 10 levels you can have up to 10,000,000 views for free.

There are other free backlink sites out there and I viewed one in u tube that says that people stay on the site they are viewing for 40 seconds or more which looks better to Googles bounce rate.

I joined two of them but couldn't figure out their confusing sign ups and methods of operation, so I looked at one in Google asking if it is a scam and it took me to a site called Site Treasures, which has a huge list of banned domains and low and behold I found one of the sites I joined ......ProfitChargerHits.com and this is one I looked at in You Tube which had me drooling

Does anyone have any more insight than me on using this sort of backlinking ? ( one site I signed with also is called " Free Viral Traffic" which I haven't checked out yet, BUT I think Google doesn't think too much of these sites either which I'm not too sure of yet.

If there are any sites that will give you free traffic without getting you in trouble then what is their address ?

Or should I just By pass these free sites ( I think their testimonials also had me drooling but they might have been BS as well.

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Larry Bauge
Site Admin
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It would be best to stay away from programs that artificially drives traffic to your site. Otherwise, your site will be penalized and you'll lose your rankings. You need to build your backlinks naturally through article marketing and comments left on forums and blogs.
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Hi Michelle

That's what I thought, I've spent so much time on this darn site that I guess I'm looking for a quick fix and get on with another one.

I found a site in Google after I posted this topic, about the 10 things you don't do so Google won't slap you and they way I understood their explanation is not to use these phoney back linking strategies as they know the difference. ( so I went from finding a gold mine to find out later it was fools gold ).

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Larry Bauge
Posts: 6
Joined: 10 Apr 11
I would always say build your own backlinks. Starting with Web 2.0 properties. It might seem tiresome but the rewards will be worth it
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Can you people's please share source url also with us?

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where is the site URL ?
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The Game is Over.
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these sites are scams. i have seen them around and all they are is artificially increasing your page views. however, you want targeted traffic not these crappy page view scams. they really dont do anything for your seo, and are a waste of time.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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Getting number of back links is not enough and we should also concentrate about the quality of the back links. Even the Link from Web 2.0 properties is also better than less quality back link from some other sites. So, shall we check whether it is quality or not? I will surely thank you if those sites are worth.
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Posts: 216
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Hello all!

These link building sites generally do not give you quality or relative links. Years ago these links would have been helpful to a site and could help a sites rankings but with Google's Panda and Penguin updates these kind of links are recognized as being purchased and therefore un-natural.

By purchasing these link packages you risk being flagged by Google for using black hat seo techniques which will hurt your rankings rather than help.

Never Give Up!!!
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Paul J. Burkhardt
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Stay as far as possible from such. Let's assume that they would not be penalized by Google or you don't want to use SEO as one of your marketing methods. Your traffic will be irrelevant. It is better you get 100 people with 30% conversion rate than millions with absolutely no conversions.

Build natural backlinks with web 2.0 properties, blog commenting, forum posting and getting WordPress backlinks. Check out the post below on how you can get "free" wordpress backlinks. The word free is in quotes since there is nothing free. You will have to make your WordPress.com blog authoritative and avoid spam. This means most of your articles should not contain backlinks to the same site.

http://earnonlinewisely.com/seo/how-to- ... press-com/

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Use the link below to apply for the Payoneer Card and Get FREE $25
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Hi guys here is the link to get a real backlink totally free ,

http://www.imtalk.org/cmps_index.php?pa ... -Submitter

i was looking for my websites http://silvermoneymaker.com

and i found this http://www.imtalk.org/cmps_index.php?pa ... -Submitter

good way to do for free

kidney regards
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Posts: 3
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I personally do not like the non-dies all these links they can cause you problems you especially your site is new,
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online flash games http://www.giftsngames.com
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Hey all.

As I have said before, these easy links will hurt you in the future if not right away. Five years ago these links might have been ok but not today.

Read this article for more info about post penguin update link building.


Never Give Up!!!
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Paul J. Burkhardt
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I also agree i got around 1000 backlinks to my site (http://www.howimakemoneyhq.com) without any work or investment.
Iam thank full for this super service, I will share with my friends ya

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Posts: 19
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michellerana wrote:It would be best to stay away from programs that artificially drives traffic to your site. Otherwise, your site will be penalized and you'll lose your rankings. You need to build your backlinks naturally through article marketing and comments left on forums and blogs.

100% agree with this concept.
you can have thousands of back links to your site in a single click but search engine will penalize your site .
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My blog, Our Journey, Our success http://www.deanfergusson.com
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My website is: http://phonoithat.vn
How to i join "1000s of free backlinks to your site" ??
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Tanks for this 1000 backlink

My site http://economyip.com
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Posts: 216
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lamkinh.noithat wrote:My website is: http://phonoithat.vn
How to i join "1000s of free backlinks to your site" ??

Using backlink service sites like is not recommended.
Google will likely penalize your website if you get these kinds of links. They are poor quality links that are easily recognized by Google as being purchase links and not natural links.

I know that link building can be boring and tedious but taking short-cuts like these will back-fire on you in the long run.

Never Give Up!!!
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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 10
Joined: 07 Jan 13
Looks like there are a like of caution encouraged about those sites

I'd say just pay for quality backlinks
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Posts: 40
Joined: 15 Dec 11
Hi cant believe after all google has said and the lost ranking many sites suffered there are still people thinking of buying cheap backlinks.
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