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Google Mass Banned Adwords Accounts

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Google Mass Banned Adwords Accounts

Hi all,

I got an email today, with Google telling me my Adwords account is suspended, and none of my ads will show again, ever. Same goes for future ads and accounts, which according to them will also immediately be suspended.

I might have promoted dubious products, think pheromones and such, but no money making scams or anything. As a matter of fact, I did not advertise with Adwords for two months now, and I'm still banned.

Now, I'd like to use Google Adwords in the future, but what can I do? I'm wondering if anyone knows anything, anything at all that may lead Google to pardon users, and have them learn from their mistakes. Taking on scammers is a good thing, but not like this, I never even got a warning!

My email came in Dutch, but here's the English, shorter version:

"It's come to our attention that you have submitted ads that promote a misrepresented affiliation with Google or links to products which make unrealistic promises about making money via other internet websites. Due to multiple complaints from our users and publishers, we've made the decision not to accept these ads. As part of our on going efforts to provide our users with high quality ads, we are taking action against accounts that promote deceptive advertising and sites.

This is a notification that your account has been suspended due to the submission of these ads and your ads will no longer run on Google. Please note that future accounts you open will also be suspended.

As noted in our Terms and Conditions, Google reserves the right to terminate advertisements for any reason. To view our Terms and Conditions, please visit

We appreciate your cooperation.

Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043

You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your AdWords product or account."

Am I the only one here..?

Regards, Rudolf
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Hi Rudolf,

Wow sounds harsh. Have you only been involved with pharmaceutical type products? By the looks of things, Google says they've suspended your account for one of two reasons:

1. A misrepresented affiliation with Google

- surely this would be if you had said Google endorses the products or that you sell these products through Google itself

2. You've sold products that make an unrealistic promise about making money through other internet sites

- That doesn't sound like what you've been doing from the product you mentioned. Either way, it leaves a lot of room open for argument. What does Google class as an unrealistic promise?

I'd be interested to see if anyone else has had this message in the past week or so.

Sorry to hear you're having this trouble Rudolf. I'd also be keen to here if anyone else has had this message in the past week or so. I'll keep an eye out for any further info.
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I've has exactly the same - and I haven't even used my account yet!

I had a link to the wealthy affiliate site - it was part of their course on adwords and they sent me what I first thought was a junk email )ie a scam) asking me to change it. So I just deleted the entire account to save them any more trouble and thought I would open another later. Then got the "you and your kind are vermin" email!!!!!

Have no idea what to do - sent them a support message explaining that i hadn't really DONE anything!

Seems this IM world is very dodgy!

Any thoughts anyone?
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Well, I can still access my Adwords account and right after the message I deleted all the campaigns to show good will. Unfortunately there is no delete forever button so if I were to try and set up a new campaign, they might check my background before approving *if* I could add a new campaign.

I haven't tried yet - I don't want to ring any alarmbells here unless I can show to them this time I'm offering something less dubious to advertise for. I wonder; can everyone else still also access their account and modify some things? And has anyone tried setting up new campaigns yet.

I've done some reading on this topic on forums and one guy said; 'how can we learn from this if we're not given the chance?' and I'm thinking the EXACT same thing. But there's no way to convince them. They're decision is incredibly harsh. Probably they really wanted to eliminate any and all 'dubious' practises that might *look* like or give anyone the idea that Google was affiliating with them.

I can understand this from the Google users view as well as corporate view. Who wants to do business with a company that allows scammers to advertise with them. Or search and trust their resources and information if you see all types of scams or seemingly scams - it makes you think twice about trusting the information shown, and the thrustworthyness of Google itself, and their customers will inevitably walk away.

But - I'm gonna be a good boy now. I'm going to check my advertising twice. Hopefully Google will offer us a second chance with sharpened rules. Google *says* we are just 4% of all Adwords advertisers, however, robably 90% doesn't use their Adwords account so that makes a loss of almost half of their clients, of my stats are correct.

Anyone got any ideas to start over and/or get a new Adwords account?
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Yes, I got the same message. It was in French and it said 'déactivé'. Although my account is set to English and I live in Belgium. My first thaught was that it was a 'Phishing' message.

And, yes, I still have access to my account to make changes. However, when I try to contact them they don't respond.

But I don't see any impressions in my adgroups, which means my ads don't appear anymore. I still think 'deactivated' is not eaqual to 'suspended'. Well, I'll just wait and look for other opportunities to promote my business...
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Hi Guys,
Gauher Gaundry just posted on his blog... ... axe-again/

All I can say is...
Don't rely SOLELY on Google PPC, just make it a PART of your traffic strategy.

Google need to wake up to themselves.
I hope what they are doing to the little guys comes back to bite them on the A** one day.

It is good for the user because all the blackhat and spammer marketers will eventually be weeded out.
Unfortunately, the dolphins get caught in the net with the sharks.

Now having said that, Google doesn't own the whole slice of the pie..
Yes they provide good PPC traffic, but there are other options.

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-- Robert Brault
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Hi Guys,

My ADS stopped showing in Google Adwords. I sent mail
to support and got the following:

"You have repeatedly submitted several ads for landing
pages considered to be of a poor quality per our Landing
Page and Site Quality Guidelines in this or a related
account. As a result, your account has been suspended
and your ads will no longer run on Google."

In The past I got 2 alerts about poor quality and deleted
these campaigns immediately.

What can I do now?

Thanks In Advanced!

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Hi Nir,

Man, that sucks! Unfortunately, I know exactly what you're feeling right now. My account was closed back in July and they closed my wife's account too. Guilty by association, I guess. They wouldn't give any reasons either other that what you've written above. I called, emailed, begged, pleaded, but it didn't help one bit.

What really sucked for me is that Adwords was responsible for most of my income. I'm a member of Gauher Chaudrey's "Pay Per Click Formula" and had been using PPC for several months. I lost the majority of my income overnight.

Just so you know, you're not the only one this is happening to. Google canceled a lot of accounts back then and they just started doing it again recently. I know of many people who've lost their Adwords account now. The "good old days" are over.

I've just decided to start from scratch and build a long term business by following what Mark is doing. It's a pain starting over, but six months from now I know I'll be in good shape for the long haul.

If you're dead set on still using Adwords you can probably get a new account, but you'll have to do the following things and there's still no guarantee.

Use a different computer
Use a different ISP
Use a different name, address and credit card

I've also heard of some people using a proxy server, but I'm not familiar with that so I can't give advice there.

My advice is to suck it up and get to work on a new plan, but still use Yahoo and MSN. You could also learn how to use Pay Per View.

I hope that helps.

Good luck!

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Thanks Joe, You are right I should build my business without Google... It will be harder and will take more time but I'm sure that I will succeed.

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PPC is still always a risky business anyway. But I intended to advertise on relevant Adsense websites. And that is automatically closed off as well.

In my experience Google is the best converting search engine. Yahoo performed very poorly for me, though it's a bit cheaper. MSN was good but the traffic is very low.

I recently received an email from a lawyer representing Yahoo SEM users if they wished to participate in an attempt to claim refunds from Yahoo due to many false clicks. That's why I don't feel Yahoo is an option right now until they get their sh*t together. That leaves me just with MSN.

Any thoughts on other, perhaps similar PPC options?
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Yep. Media Buying. I buy banners and text links.

Google is just 15-25% of the Internet traffic. Not the end of the world.

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Affiloblueprint Bonus:
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I got a similar message from google and I was promoting a dog training product. Anyway, I still have $100 in my Adwords account. How do I get my money back from Google since they don't respond?
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Warm Regards,


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Well, I am also new to PPC, and took Mark Lings advice and started a campaign around the strategies he suggested in the videos and this is what google did only after a few days of activating my account:

"I have reconsulted the specialist team about your account suspension, and have confirmed that our team's decision is correct and final. Your ads
will no longer run on Google. This policy will apply to all accounts you
have created. As noted in our Terms and Conditions, Google reserves the
right to terminate advertisements for any reason. To view our Terms and
Conditions, please visit

Our support team is unable to provide any further information. PLEASE DO
NOT CONTACT US AGAIN. For questions about other Google products, please visit We appreciate your cooperation"

And that my friends is a slap on the face reminding us whose boss.
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I'm not having this problems.

One thing you guys could do is to try MSN and Yahoo instead.

If google don't accept you, there are other traffic sources...
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It sucks losing your adwords account. My direct link campaigns are mostly dead but I was able to get my account back. I think the site was
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seems you have to be very careful with google now.. ... =australia
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They basically did this because of the people promoting some CPA offers.
For example, some CPA bigshots put up a single webpage with a whole page ad on a GOJI berry product.
It basically captured peoples email address and/or forwarded them to a goji berry product that had a rebill every month.
People were complaining that they could not cancel the rebills and so Google hates these types of pages and offers.
It also gives Google an excuse to shut down your adwords accounts or deindex your site.
That's why Mark tells us to build a high quality site with 30+ pages of good solid content with an affiliate offer on each page.

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-- Robert Brault
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Dumb question, Can you use a squeeze page using PPC adwords?
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Hi Lawson, welcome to Affilorama,
In answer to your question... yes you can, but your quality score will be terrible and your CPC will be high so there is really no point.
What Mark does is to have a landing page with no navigation menu but still link it to the main site via sitemap etc at the bottom.

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-- Robert Brault
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I have seen this so many times guys that it is driving me crazy, however I can sugguest a few things, first if the account was in your name then why not open a company account and use this instead,however please ensure that the address of the company is legit,also once you are back on then why not try using image ads to promote your website(s) you can get them for 0.01 cent per click, i know this because i have about 15 running at the moment to build lists in differant niches and it works a treat,i will be running my conversion plan over the next few weeks to see how this works out and post it on the forum.but enough about me its all about you guys and gals,if you get no response from the BIG G then there are so many other alternatives as mentioned above...let me know how you get on or pm me if you would prefer
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I was one that got slapped and never understood why. My sites were professional and did not appear spamish I guess you could say. But I understand hundreds of advertisers got banned even those that had been creme of the crop money wise for Google. Whatever, it is ashame Google had to go to great lengths but there are other ways to sell online and Google isn't the only game in town.
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I can understand this from the Google users view as well as corporate view. Who wants to do business with a company that allows scammers to advertise with them.
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I have 18 ads running with Google and in the last couple of days they have dropped my quality score on all from 7 to 1 and none of my ads are showing. They say that it is due to poor landing page on each.I can't understand how 18 landing pages would all be of poor quality and some of these ads have been running for longer than 6 months and why would they drop them all at the same time. I do use MSN but 90% of my income is from adwords. Any suggestion on how I can get the quality score back up.
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Screw Google.

They just don't like affiliates. First they bring in their stupid Google Slap and now they just cut anyone out whenever they feel like it.

Looks like we are just going to have to work hard on SEO... or start using PPV, lead impact, etc.

Sounds like once they suspend your adwords account, thats it - no coming back.

Maybe you could start running new accounts through proxy servers, but then you have to pay for that unless you can find a free ip address that you trust... Although, I probably wouldn't risk letting someone else see all my information being re-routed.
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What an interesting set of threads.

I am fairly new to this whole thing and have set up a campaign for a new site, I was paying quite high for clicks but as Mark has taught us quality brings prices down and in fact I have dropped my std bid and still ranking well. Google have been very happy taking my money.

I started another campaign on Sunday and all of a sudden I get this Final warning letter???? However I am totally confused because they approved my adds??

I have paused them and emailed Google to try and find out what is going on.

Can anyone shed more light as to why slap me but still allow my ads?

How can we find out our ad-words quality score? Another member mentioned he knew what his was.

Thanks guys.

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this thing could happen because you use multiple google adwords vouchers! i saw that a lot of people sell their vouchers from Google with 10 or five dollars
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Hey guys,

This article might be helpful as to what type of landing pages google do NOT want. ... swer=66238

If you have the slightest notion that any of your site might fall in any of these categories, that could be very reason why your account got slapped or banned.

My suggestion is go through it and see how you can reconstruct your site to fit their guidelines. If you are unsure, write Google a love letter and just be nice :)

Let them know you are serious about using their service and you too want to provide the best user experience possible. Ask them for their help on how to make that happen.
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yeah, reading that page, it includes, affiliate review pages, squeeze pages, and anything meant to sell a product. however, that really doesn't cover what is going on. After all the way that vague page is written,anything designed to sell would fit, however, if they did away with everything that is promotional or meant to capture leads, they would go out of business. After all, people arent paying to send traffic to article sites, they are paying to generate revenue.

The reason I say this is because some people (like Mark) are using these type of landing pages, yet they still get a high quality score. so there has to be more to it. Personally, I think it has to do with making sure you have valuable information on your pages that help people whether they buy product or not. even your reviews can be written in a way that compels people to buy, yet teaches something at the same time. look at Mark's squeeze pages. I bet he is doing PPC to them.
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I agree James.

From what I've read, landing & squeeze pages with huge red Tahoma headings and zero content is probably not the right way of doing PPC, just a hunch :-P

However, if Google hates affiliates that much and is determined to rid them then I think they might want to remember at how their billions are derived.

Sounds to me, like all Google wants is punters to blow money on PPC and send traffic to a page full of cornerstone content that doesn't even have any kind of monetisation or sales funnel. Wow, where do I sign up ?

Seriously though, I'm not even gonna consider PPC until I've studied the notes about it on this course with a fine toothed comb. It sounds like a great way to lose your shirt if you're clueless :-)
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i always don't prefer to use Google in all there services
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Google doesnt hate affiliates, they hate the scam tactics that many affiliates use. there is a big difference.

yhou can loose a lot of money, but you can make a lot too.

i know one guy who spent 1,000 in a week in ppc to build a quick list. he had about 2500 people on his list at the end of the week, and with one email the next week made 30,000 in commissions. SO, it is possible to build a quick list or get ppc traffic to convert to sales, but you have to know what you are doing.
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Hey Guys:
I Know it's a slap in the face but they did this to make all of us better marketers if you really look at the big picture. All of the results that a search query brings back goes to just how good Google really is .

Hey I suffered the same fate too. Just got another account. I'm not defending Google but I can see how, if the info in the search results aren't what the user is seeking then either the product, info, or service is irrelevant to the query or is just too far out there to be a great user experience and guess who the blame would fall on, Google! And they want good positive feed back about their services and they weren't getting that from users.

Meta tags use to be priority with search engines and even though still important, relevance has now become priority. How many times have you or someone you know went to clickbank got a product and just went to Google and threw in a few hundred keywords and thought you were going to get rich. chances are, without doing any research at all over and above how much you could make, your ads, campaign, URL and content weren't even relevant to your audience. So what kind of user experience would that provide?

So Google cleaned house and if it ain't true or relevant you may just be left out in the cold as far as Google is concerned. Now one thing is for certain. If you should get a great, relevant campaign, product and ads going on Google and score a great quality score for doing so you can be sure that your ads will work well on other networks as well. Now doesn't that go to you being a better marketer?

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Donald Whitehead (Alias TJay):
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Don't even bat an eye about this it's not a problem at all plus Google Yahoo And MSN all are terrible to do advertising with. I am a ppc expert and now use only ppv like there traffic converts and there is no rules to deal with like on ppc. You can get sick traffic for 0015 cents a click and up to over a penny a click! PCC is dead to me as of right now and now looking into using mobile to do advertising on but that may take some time to learn. PPV is what affiliates need to be using and not ppc I am sick of they robbing me of income for my family so I use just ppv.
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Well guys I managed to create a new Adwords account and it's working. Simply ask a friend or your mom to sign up for an account and use a prepaid creditcard, of ask to use your friends or mom's creditcard. It's kindoff silly to do it like this but it works if you really want to use Adwords again. Just don't go and advertise the same website you got banned for and don't forget to clear your cookies, and use a new email adres.

Best of luck!
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mark schaaf
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The problem with google it they are too big for there own good and they think they can do no wrong, if you type google with lower cases you get a line under it because the G is not in caps, want an arrogant bunch of crap. I had adds running for about 4 months when i started and was spending about as much as i was making then like the other people my adds stopped. and got the normal message which was crap. saying misleading and unethical business practice, I sent them at least 10 e-mails asking where on my site was any of this and never got an answer, my site wasn't big only a few pages. my landing page told a story of me making my own solar panels which I did and said I saved money on my energy bills which i did but i never said how much, I had a few articles on solar and wind power on the site and a link to the site i was trying to sell for and that was it, I could understand if i was saying if you build a 5 inch by 5 inch solar panel and it would power you entire house they could say i was misleading people but I didn't. and after months of trying I never ever got any kind of answer. I found out later they won't tell any of us the actual problem because no one ever really looks at the sites there computers do. also they don't want to say anything more because they don't want any more lawsuits, and from some of the stuff I have read lately they should be sued. It never ceases to amaze me that the bigger a company gets the more they want and the more crooked things they will do to get there. I know there are people out there doing PPC and spamming the heck out of things but some of us don't and google wants to be the biggest in the market then they need to have real customer service not the crap the hand out. Why does it seem that so many internet companies who only provide a service never have real customer service, all the retail internet stores do, all large retail stores, sears, target wall mart do so why doesn't google, it's because of greed they don't want to pay people so handle there problems. one time someone on a forum said they can't have real customer service because there are so many people with problems well tough crap that comes with the business, does sears and target want to have people answering phones to help people heck no but they do. google wants to be the biggest in the business then they need to start acting like it. Hay google do your JOB! another person one time said google is making it better for there customers by giving them great search results but try typing italian vacation into there search and see how many US italian food sites come up, how is that helping me plan a vacation. If google is SO concerned for there customers and reputation then they should stop letting Porn sites be seen on google. they keep saying protect there customers well we are customers too and where is our protection. I like many others have done nothing wrong in any way and we get crapped on because google thinks there computers can do no wrong and want the money all for themselves and doesn't want to pay people for customer service, so my advice don't bother with google adwords, the only other option is start a new account with a different name with a different credit card, the scammers do it all the time,
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i hate google! they dont even give you a warning or a reason! i got this last night "Your Google AdWords account has been permanently suspended for repeated violation of AdWords or Landing Page and Site policies in this or a related account." And i haven't even used my account for weeks, Google YOU SUCK!
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currently smashing it with Affilo Jetpack
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As far as I can see google is hitting affiliate marketing hard....they list in there policies that you cannot use landing pages to redirect to another site. All the affiliate advertisers in the solar niche have virtually disappeared and people are writing in other forums to forget marketing weight loss via adwords. Has blueprint updated and found a solution - a way to sell without getting slapped???? Or are we going to just pay out good money and time and keep getting slapped?
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It's not really affiliate marketers per se that google is after. It's actually spammy techniques and dubious products that they crack down on.

What google wants is for people to have the best experience when using their services. We should keep that in mind when setting up our websites.
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well however you want to look at it slap is happening. Even clickbank has made video's to address the situation however once you have made what ever mistake(it is very hard to work it out especially if your fairly new). Your website is marked.People usually find it hard to pin point the problem and say just get a new account in your mother's name or partner. Well my question is?? Is affilorama being an affilate promotion site going to address this issue by giving there opinion on how to make a non spammy affiliate landing page?????
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Last edited by ingridwrites on 22 Feb 11 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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For those of you who don't know here it is plain and simple check:-
affiliates are being slapped hard! and it has been going on since january 2010 and still happening in 2011
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Last edited by ingridwrites on 22 Feb 11 1:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

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and faradina(staff) let's be honest...they don't like bridging pages! Tell me how can you do affiliate marketing with adwords without a bridging page....perhaps the affilo blue needs to do some updates on the adwords section
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@sunthread, I said google does not like spam and that is true. I do not see anything dishonest in my post.

It is equally true that google does not like bridge pages. For those not in the know, bridge pages are those whose sole purpose is to drive traffic to another site without providing value. Such pages are considered spam.

Google prohibits websites that feature links to other websites without providing any added functionality or unique content for the user. See ... wer=190435

We at Affilorama have always stressed putting up unique content and providing value for our site visitors. If we have truly unique content and provide added value for users on our landing pages, they would not be considered "bridge pages" by google.

I believe we should approach this from a positive perspective and review our landing pages to see if they comply with google's standards if we want our adwords ads and accounts to be in good standing. There is, after all, nothing we can do to change google's policies.
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There are also some products and pages that Google will not accept no matter how good the content is .... this from Google in reply to a query that I sent through.....

"Since you are in the process of making changes to this site, please note
that the product you are promoting on the site itself is not acceptable.
Therefore, even after you add additional information like 'privacy policy'
etc, there is a chance that it may not be acceptable."

My site is promoting a popular product in the womens' health niche. Not steroids, porn, IM, [word banned] enlargement, gambling or anything else that you might think!
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Oh man that just hurst to hear that they went around mass banning. Fortunately I think I missed this one. imo its always imprtant to follow their guidelines to a t..
daveyace wrote:i hate google! they dont even give you a warning or a reason! i got this last night. "Your Google AdWords account has been permanently suspended for repeated violation of AdWords or Landing Page and Site policies in this or a related account." And i haven't even used my account for weeks, Google YOU SUCK!
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Last edited by cecille.l on 13 Apr 16 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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I just logged into my adwords account the other week since I hadn't used it for a year to find out my account had been retroactively banned even after I deleted all my campaigns for ever having used certain destination URLs. I only tried out adwords back when I was first starting out so it's a bummer to have lost a potential traffic source for a silly mistake I made for a few days.
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Pokeaffiliate, I think it will still be possible to have your account reinstated since it's a retroactive ban. Things like that are usually changeable, unlike the case of Rudolf.
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mark schaaf
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I know there are a lot of reasons for google to ban people but what I would like to see is a site for those of us who haven't done anything wrong and have proof of no wrong doing to be able to sue the crap out of google for unethical business practice like they keep claiming people do because it is unethical to ban someone without a complete physical review of the sites that are banning. They ban people for no reason and you can never ever get an answer from them, they have no customer service what so ever what the heck kind of business is that anyway. As I said in my other post my sites were about 8 pages each and each page had relevant new content in the articles on each page I wrote them from scratch I didn't have any links on the first 4 pages of each site going to the selling companies web site. I didn't even mention them on the first 4 pages either, the wording of the articles was good and they were well written I had people read them before I put them on the sites. So with that in mind I was doing nothing on my sites in any way shape or form to get banned. So don't think for a minute that if you do everything the way google wants will keep anything from happening to you. Because google thinks they are so smart they can program there computers to do everything. And like I said before they have no customer service what so ever most of the time you can't even find a contact e-mail address and what you normally get is a automatic message saying the same thing, and that is to read there 1000 pages of information so you the customer can find out what is wrong instead of someone doing there job and taking a quick look at your problem. but then that would mean some over paid flunky would have to get off there butts and actually do something. And there are other places to go including ppv sites but in my own experience with lead impact don't bother I spent more with them and got nothing then i did with adwords where I would at least make back what I paid in. With lead impact I spent over 250 dollars and got nothing and yes I did change up what they called ads many times and still did nothing.
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I find it difficult to comprehend how they can do this.. I tried to place an add earlier today, but they disapproved the add straight away for similar reasons as those mentioned above.

How can such a large company like google, not have any customer service behind them.
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I am certainly seeing this over the past week, more suspensions than the past 2 years combined!
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I would love to hear Mark's take on doing ppc with Google now -- is the affilioblueprint section focused on ppc still valid?

I tried plugging in wowblackbook and the dog agression sites into kwspy to see if there were any ppc campaigns running - none at the moment -- that doesn't necessarily mean that Mark isn't still running PPC with Google -- just giving my reason for the question.:)
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It has come to our attention that your Google AdWords account does not comply with our Terms of Service and Advertising Policies. As a result, your account and any related accounts have been suspended, and your ads will no longer run on Google. Please be aware that you are prohibited from possessing or creating any other AdWords accounts, both now and in the future.

That is the form letter Google is sending to many PPC users that have affiliate websites. Adwords no longer likes affiliates.
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Hey Jeff,

The bidding strategies in Affiloblueprint and adwriting etc are still accurate, however, the actual landing pages do need to be changed and I am planning on updating that area of the course.

I had paused many (not all) of my adwords campaigns a couple of months ago as I didn't have time to go back in and change the landing pages to suit the new guidelines, while I was managing several other projects. I still advertise outside of google (in yahoo, msn, and other places).

I will be testing a landing page model whereby there will be:

1. A navigation bar at the top and bottom

2. Strong lead capture near the top

3. Further details of what is contained in the lead capture, laid out graphically nice.

4. A couple of testimonials from readers of my free report (if I have any)

5. Another lead capture area

6. Featured articles (links to 5 of the best articles on my affiloblueprint-style site)

7. The landing pages would be keyword optimized based on the keywords I am targetting in adwords, they will be no-index as they will be similar content that is reworded to suit the keywords that I'm targetting (e.g. poodle digging, german shepherd digging, etc).

It'll require the newsletter followup sequence to be 'tight' so that it builds a relationship and converts well, but in the long run, this model will be likely to work much better than the 'set up a quick review page' model.

A sample of something similar (without the navigation and the featured articles parts) is here: and

And another example of what someone else that does something similar to what I have in mind (though they have done it graphically much nicer) is right here:

Hope this helps. It does look a little more work than it used to be, but in the long run, there is much less competition now and it forces you to do better marketing with regards to building a list etc, which could be a blessing in disguise for many of you anyway.

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Gotcha, thanks for the reply Mark -- will we get some type of notice when the update is done?

Thanks for breaking it down in a overview here -- I appreciate it!
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You can try to appeal to them, I know people that this has worked for in the past. If you call the main Goolge # you can get transferred to adwords support. (for a refund etc.)
I wish all of you who have had your account "suspended" good luck in getting back into Goolges good graces.
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It seems that getting traffic these days from Google is becoming increasing more difficult and promises to continue to be ever more challenging,

As a Affilojetpack customer, I could really use some actionable CURRENT traffic generating information.
It seems to me that things that were working are not working anymore!
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Google adwords banned me for site policy on my landing page. I have gone over all their rules and don't see what they are talking about. I have made changes and speak the truth on my site and offer a 100% money back guarantee. I keep writing them for specifics but only get an automated email response back.
Can anyone help me by visiting my website and offering advice.

Thank you

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one of my friends too faced the same thing after some period. he was shocked to see that.. most of the users facing it.. its ridiculous.
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Google truly calls the shots and leaves the AdWords program wide open to blow whomever they want out with no recourse.

Check out this snippet from their TOS:

Customer grants Google permission to utilize an automated software program to retrieve and analyze websites associated with the Services for ad quality and serving purposes, unless Customer specifically opts out of the evaluation in a manner specified by Google.
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apparently you get reports from others who are not happy with your ad.
The fastest way is to create a new adwords account and improve your ad.
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Google wants ads that provide value to the visitor. It would work well as long as you provide a link on your page (at the bottom) to free and quality articles on your site (so they aren't trapped on the web page).
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morgrim wrote:I've has exactly the same - and I haven't even used my account yet!

I had a link to the wealthy affiliate site - it was part of their course on adwords and they sent me what I first thought was a junk email )ie a scam) asking me to change it. So I just deleted the entire account to save them any more trouble and thought I would open another later. Then got the "you and your kind are vermin" email!!!!!

Have no idea what to do - sent them a support message explaining that i hadn't really DONE anything!

Seems this IM world is very dodgy!

Any thoughts anyone?

Here's some advice: Get out of any affiliate business that uses the following words in it's claims, representations, headlines or offers:

not mlm
just follow the system
paint by the numbers
trust me
constant flow
4-hour work week
minimal investment
quick turnaround
affiliate marketing program
email marketing
affiliate marketing for beginners
results not typical

Google is turning the affiliate business into a "black hat" pool. Therefore, Google is VERY keen on the above words and you can't just take them out because Google is also keen on finding any backlinks you have that are connected to sites that ABUSE these keywords in their Title Tag, Meta Description, H1's and offers, etc. They are also keen on identifying if you rely heavily on online Sales Letters to persuade people to buy instead of a website designed to educate. All of these negatives stack up against you.

YOU have to sell a legitimate product that isn't built on "amazing" marketing hype to get attention. Instead, seek out programs that use the following words and keywords in their claims and offers:

sweat equity
business plan
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Google adwords banned me for site policy on my landing page. I have gone over all their rules and don't see what they are talking about. I have made changes and speak the truth on my site and offer a 100% money back guarantee. I keep writing them for specifics but only get an automated email response back.
Can anyone help me by visiting my website and offering advice.

Thank you


Hi April,

I'm sorry to hear Google has banned your account. Google wants high quality landing pages that are easy to navigate and offer relevant content to users. You can view their video on landing page guidelines for more information.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Google banned my account as well due to my landing page that promote PLR stuff.

Nothing much I can do, they don't really care what is the reason you give lor.
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I didnt realise they were so harsh and effective in checking each site.

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Be careful with Google. Once you signup for AdWords, Google will take a much closer look at your pages. It's obvious that at some point a real person will review your account and if it doesn't meet Google's requirements - or the reviewer's interpretation of Google's requirments, it will likely get banned.

I had a site that was generating reasonable affiliate income in the health vertical - about $100 a day. I signed up for adwords, used a voucher, and the next thing I knew Google banned my account, and my traffic from my SEO efforts dropped to nothing.

So this may all be coincidental - but who knows "what evil lurks in the heart of Google" (to paraphrase a quote from The Shadow -}

I've even heard knowledgeable people say not to use google analytics for the same reason - your participation gives Google a much better insight into what you're doing and if they don't like it - you're traffic will drop - you may even get banned.

Anyone have similar experiences - or am I just being paranoid?

Google supposedly claimed they will do no harm - I'm not buying it. If your goal is to try to earn a living on the Internet - be very afraid of Google.
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the above is not an affiliate link.

it worked for me
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@eblro01 - I'm sorry to hear your Google Adwords account was banned/suspended. I don't think signing up for Google Analytics will hurt your website or that in joining Google Adwords you run the risk of losing traffic to your site. These are all separate entities under the big Google umbrella. Joining AdWords will not cause your site to get deindexed but your account will get banned if you do not follow their TOS.

Google above everything else is a search engine and if you see your site losing traffic then look at your website first: it's contents, layout, etc. You can check Google Webmaster on what you can do if your site is not doing well in search. You might also want to watch the video on SEO and Panda:

SEO, Traffic and Panda - How to succeed in 2012

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Hi, I was banned from ad words and do not have a clue why, I called and spoke to rep, he said they would escalate the issue and i just got an email that i have been permanently banned. I do not understand. My site is and it is a nice, clean site, no questionable stuff on it.
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Rudolf55 wrote:Hi all,

I got an email today, with Google telling me my Adwords account is suspended, and none of my ads will show again, ever. Same goes for future ads and accounts, which according to them will also immediately be suspended.

I might have promoted dubious products, think pheromones and such, but no money making scams or anything. As a matter of fact, I did not advertise with Adwords for two months now, and I'm still banned.

Now, I'd like to use Google Adwords in the future, but what can I do? I'm wondering if anyone knows anything, anything at all that may lead Google to pardon users, and have them learn from their mistakes. Taking on scammers is a good thing, but not like this, I never even got a warning!

My email came in Dutch, but here's the English, shorter version:

"It's come to our attention that you have submitted ads that promote a misrepresented affiliation with Google or links to products which make unrealistic promises about making money via other internet websites. Due to multiple complaints from our users and publishers, we've made the decision not to accept these ads. As part of our on going efforts to provide our users with high quality ads, we are taking action against accounts that promote deceptive advertising and sites.

This is a notification that your account has been suspended due to the submission of these ads and your ads will no longer run on Google. Please note that future accounts you open will also be suspended.

As noted in our Terms and Conditions, Google reserves the right to terminate advertisements for any reason. To view our Terms and Conditions, please visit

We appreciate your cooperation.

Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043

You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your AdWords product or account."

Am I the only one here..?

Regards, Rudolf

Don't feel bad I was permanently banned from Google, and the way I see it is it is there fault for not going thru with there promise to help in you set up your advertisement. So I went ahead tried it myself and they banned me. Just really have this hate, love relationship with Google.
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Unfortunately, Google has the power.

What may work to be approved this week may not be approved next week.

This forum is great to keep everyone aware.
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So I'm working through Affiloblueprint during a work layoff and I start wondering about the current state of PPC. I've read this entire thread and found the following links: ... e-adwords/ ... axe-again/

My opinion is that Google is skewing the market to benefit only the larger, well-capitalized product creators whose product will have high margins. A barrier to entry is being raised so that small business marketers cannot compete.

Why would someone with limited time and capital try to build a deep website of hundreds or even a thousand pages for a product with a very small payout? They won't have the time to do it properly themselves, they won't have the capital to outsource it, and its not worth the effort. This hurts not only the marketer but the small business who creates the product, like a plugin for a browser for instance.

The customers really do have a choice. I know I might be ridiculed for saying this here, but my family no longer frequents Wal-Mart. They are too big and show monopolistic tendencies. We go to Target, K-Mart, and other local vendors for the things we need. It's worth it to us to vote with our dollars.

Some people believe Google will never go away. I'm not so sure. AOL looked invincible. Compaq and Gateway were kings until Dell came along.

I know what I'm going to be focusing on and it's not Google PPC. I don't want to risk building a business that can be taken away on a whim. Facebook, Bing, Yahoo, and other traffic sources are all worthy competitors to Google.

I'm still going to build my site, but I'm not going to rely on PPC, unless Mark or one of the staff convinces me that I should take the risk. I plan on putting up other content focused sites in other niches where I have experience and I don't need a ban to deal with when I'm able to do that.

It seems that gaining customers still comes down to the old fashioned ways:

Mailing lists (email and snail mail)
Referrals from relevant articles
Referrals from blogrolls

While I did find Affilorama from a basic Internet search, I've found everything else through email campaigns from Affilorama, links to an author's website, and blogroll of other sites that are on a blog.

Every site I frequent now I've found through email marketing or clicking links from articles I've read back to the author's website or their referral sites. I guess this is another argument for creating great content and getting it published at aggregators.

I'll be interested to see what the staff here has to say about PPC in 2012.
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Hi chris338,

Thanks for sharing those articles. They were helpful, although a bit dated. Still, they show that this problem with Google AdWords banning affiliate sites have been an ongoing problem as far back as 2009. It has not changed one bit.

Various SEO and marketing gurus have come up with their own methods on PPC but this did not stop affiliate marketers from getting banned.

Google is not the only source of traffic. There's Yahoo and Bing, and there's Facebook. I know of some marketers who utilize all of these options. They allot a budget for each and work within that. I think that's the best way to approach this: do not put all your eggs in one basket.

My two cents. Have a good day!
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It's called an FTC-phobia / JD-phobia after 500 millions in a recent forfeiture to Justice Department. They have learned their lesson. :)
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I hold a genuine I.B business *Link removed by moderator*, still my account was banned last week, saying i was promoting un-approved products, can you believe it....
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snoop1956 wrote:I have 18 ads running with Google and in the last couple of days they have dropped my quality score on all from 7 to 1 and none of my ads are showing. They say that it is due to poor landing page on each.I can't understand how 18 landing pages would all be of poor quality and some of these ads have been running for longer than 6 months and why would they drop them all at the same time. I do use MSN but 90% of my income is from adwords. Any suggestion on how I can get the quality score back up.

Hi snoop1956,

I am sorry to hear that. But if you rely mostly on Adwords, then you should be aware of the guidelines of Google and strictly follow them. Have you done an analysis of your landing pages? Some of the things you have to carefully watch out (and stay away from) are hidden texts, page cloaking, submitting multiple copies of your domain, link farms, and multiple domains of same content.

There is really nothing much to do after getting banned from Adwords. Yes, you may ask Google for plea and hope they can reconsider. But as what a lot of people say here, they had no luck in doing that. If you really want to get back with Adwords, get a new credit or debot card under a different name. You may also get new domains also. And if you do get back, make sure you just follow all guidelines from Google.
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I was banned before from Adwords , I contacted them and told them that I was banned without any thing wrong with my ads and no previous warning the they reactivated my account and said it was our fault and computer did that.

try to contact them and say high words against them if you are sure that you was right
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I have account with Google ad words for last 4 years , however i never used any adds on my website but my website was on ppc for about 4 months and never had any problems .
Now i have a question , can you take an idea for a keywords from Google ad words tools and use them on your new site with out being on ppc but instead building just back-links and starting with for example 2 ads like the hosting add affiliate - i am hosting this site with so and so and the software add affiliate - i have use so and so to build this site .
Will they penalize you for using ideas for keywords from Google ad words tools if you are not on ppc ?

On my website i have 19 back links and my site always shows in between 1 to 7 placement on first Google page , depends what keyword people are using to search .
Till now i had no clue how my back links were working until i used Trvis Traffic and came up that on my index page i have 2826 back links so i guess they have to accumulate between other people linking to the same back links .
I also have 24 page warnings but i guess it doesn't really do to much damage to my rankings .
However learning here for the last month now i understand why i have so many warnings , warnings i would never think about when i was putting my site together
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As far as I know, you may use PPC keywords for backlinks. However, since they are found in PPC, most of these keywords are paid ads in Google and they are prioritized more than the websites doing natural linking.
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That's no good! I was about to set my ADWORDS account up but Now I'm learry....

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When google changed in 09 and started slapping accounts, I was was of the fortunate ones who did not get
banished. I was fine in 2010, and in 2011 until June and than they shut down my account. I revised my sites and went back in - it lasted about 30 days and they shut me down again. I went back in again with a google representative who also reviewed my sites and manually accepted them - I was back in business for only 30 days again. What a frustrating experience and waste of time and money. I believe that all of my sites have been in total compliance but according to them they are not. You can't even find out what exactly is wrong to have the opportunity to correct it.

After that experience I became totally committed to FREE or Organic Traffic. Wherever and whenever possible I create ongoing streams of traffic. I do use a few paid sources but with the SEO tools that I use, I will not have to depend on paid traffic sources. I wish anyone who is working with google all the luck in the world, but I doubt if I will ever go back.

Great Success To All - Marc LaClair
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Hi Marc,

That would be the right spirit. You do not stop because your Adwords account is suspended. That is why there is SEO. Free and organic traffic is better than paid traffic if you just know the right tactics to do it. Also, your experience is a perfect example why we should not depend our business largely on Adwords.

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Thanks for sharing your experience Marc! It is really what we do when we come across challenges that define and shape us.

It's pretty tough now getting into AdWords and staying there. I've been hearing one story after another. I think at this point, it's best to play safe and not put all your eggs in one basket. If you are doing PPC, then make sure not to stick with just that for traffic. Make use of the free SEO methods too.

Have a good day!
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Adwords can be extremely frustrating even if you have an active account. I have a friend who runs ads for a company and he continuously has to contact support to get the company's own ads re-started after being suspended over trademarks (their own trademark!). This happens on a regular basis and the company has been running ads with them for over 7 years.
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Recently i heard that in Pakistan Google is mass banning adsence accounts for low ouality websites that are just trying to make money from them..
I've been an Adsense publisher for years from another country, and have NEVER had a problem.
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Yes too much accounts are banned and suspended by Google to stop playing with wrong ad-word and irritating people around the internet world. better is to go for easy and free way If you are still not getting your desired fulfilled we will look for some other way.
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They banned my account too. They never gave me a warning or told me to stop advertising my site. I received the same email from them. That just forced me to look elsewhere for traffic. I never did like AdWords too much, they were way overpriced, there are so many more other alternatives for a fraction of what I was paying at Google. They are never getting another cent out of me.
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What you have to do is use a different computer to start up a new account with Gmail and never use that pc to sign in to any other Google account . I had the same thing happen to me and now I have been doing it the way that I told you about and haven't had any problems so far.
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why are some of the links being removed from the posts? just wondering what I can and can't link to when posting. thanks.
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HI everyone,

I just got my account suspended for violating the user safety policy. I'm a noob at affiliate marketing and I'm not exactly sure why this happened. I thought it might have been my links to the offers page.

Is it possible? If so, can someone help me in figuring out how to keep banners up in compliance with the big G's Policy.

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Thats strange...
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So apparently, its my content.... Google is saying that I'm not allowed to say things like "Clinically. or Scientifically", and also no exaggerations like; Guarantee or promise something.... Also, it seems like they want more unbiased content about a product rather than sticking to the benefits.

Now, I had to rewrite the content and wait for a re-review. Wish me luck!!!

Just want to make sure, that having a "rel=nofollow" is necessary for links????
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You can make another adwords account. If they stop you due to credit card info ... then use to pay via a friend that you'll refund for all your expenses.
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Do not let that stop you from using adwords if you still want to! All you have to do is open up a different account under a new Gmail account on a different computer. But never go on your other suspended gmail account on that computer ! You v=can either set it up under a new credit card or do pre pay or make up a business name. They all work. I am the king of getting adwords suspended accounts. I guess because they are always changing there rules ! I hate Google ! I like Adcenter better anyway and their prices are better to. Traffic converts the same.
Best of luck
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I forgot you can get a $100 Adwords credit to for your new account ! I do it all the time ! If you use hostgator they have them in your cpanel . They are good for new accounts !
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Sorry to hear that.
I used to meet this problem. and I have a new account.
Hope u will get more successful.
Good luck to all.
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salamei wrote:Hey Guys:
I Know it's a slap in the face but they did this to make all of us better marketers if you really look at the big picture. All of the results that a search query brings back goes to just how good Google really is .

Hey I suffered the same fate too. Just got another account. I


How did you get the new account? Did you use the same name and credit card and address?
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Hi covenantguy,

As far as I know, you need to use a different name and credit card if you've previously been banned in Google AdWords. That or request a reconsideration from them to reinstate your original account.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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cecille.l wrote:Hi covenantguy,

As far as I know, you need to use a different name and credit card if you've previously been banned in Google AdWords. That or request a reconsideration from them to reinstate your original account.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!

Hi cecille

I have no faith they will reconsider a decision made a year ago.! Does the name on the credit card have to be the same as the name you create for the new Google ac?
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Hi cecille

I have no faith they will reconsider a decision made a year ago.! Does the name on the credit card have to be the same as the name you create for the new Google ac?

As far as I know it doesn't have to be. I know of one member who got his account banned and used his wife's card to create a new account.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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This topic was started on Nov 18, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
