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Which Countries Make CreditCard Purchases The Most?

Posts: 69
Joined: 17 Mar 07

Which Countries Make CreditCard Purchases The Most?

Hi there!

We're wondering what countries are good to target, specifically those who mainly use creditcards. If there was a top 5 of creditcard using countries, how would that look like?

I'd already know I'd put the United States on #1, but what about the other four?

For us this is very important as our products can only be purchased through online creditcard payment. We don't want to lose our ppc money to visitors who can't buy our product because they simply don't own a creditcard.

I've done lots of research on Google but I can't find any information on this.

Thanks, Rudolf
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This account is managed by two persons; Maarten and Rudolf. You may find either of us posting individually with this account.
Posts: 79
Joined: 23 Aug 06
It surely depends on what you're trying to sell.

Japan, Germany, France must be pretty high on the list, but not all these people can read English.

Assuming your site is in English then I think the best countries to target would be the same as Mark suggests in the adwords lessons... Namely US, UK, NZ, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Hong Kong, South Africa, Singapore.

That's my guess

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Judging by my stats:

2 UK
3 Canada
4 Australia
5 Dont Know

But you'll find that most people buy online using credit cards. Is there any reason why you can't use paypal for example?

I target all wealthy, English speaking countries. I usually include the Nordic countries, plus Holland, Belgium and Germany. The way I see it, if someone in Germany types in "how can I stop my dog barking", they probably speak English.
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My votes would be (and these will probably come as no surprise to you...)

Australia + New Zealand

Purchasing online with a credit card is pretty much the norm on the internet, so you'll be safe targeting any of the countries that we talk about as being good to target (if that makes sense).

The only other real option is PayPal, and this is mostly used in countries where eBay is pretty big. But where PayPal is big, credit card use is also going to be big. So it's pretty safe either way.

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Thanks for all your help.

It is certainly helping. I'm especially after details, for example that 95% of the US residents own a creditcard, and only 50% of the UK residents. These example are made up, but what if they are true? It would mean that 55% of my ppc costs are thrown into the bin, and I might have to consider targeting the UK.

Does that make sense? I'm really wondering if there are any details about this.

Thanks again for all your help!

Best regards, Rudolf
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This account is managed by two persons; Maarten and Rudolf. You may find either of us posting individually with this account.