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Where should i start on the lessons TT or/and Affilorama?

Posts: 103
Joined: 14 Feb 12

Where should i start on the lessons TT or/and Affilorama?

Hi, i just bough Traffic Travis and download the videos and all the stuff from the pro version, but i´m studying the affilorama lessons, im going about lesson #15, but i´m just realizing, hey, i got the other pro lessons, so shoul i finish the affilorama free lessons first, or quit and go to the bonuss lessons , or shoul i go 1 and 1? i already have a website (it really s***ks in SEO terms, is invisible at all and is has allready over 2 years) is a travel website wich i have a lot of competition and i really don´t know what to do or where to start to optimize it or build another from scratch, so what would you reccomend me?
thanks for your support.
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Hi angelnewsletters,

I think it's best to keep your focus on learning about affiliate marketing. When you're done with the affiliate marketing lessons, you can then start on the Traffic Travis training. I don't think it's advisable to study two course at the same time, regardless if they're related to each other.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
I got TT Pro a couple years ago and I don't remember ever getting any videos instructions, I know how to use it pretty well but it sure would have been nice to not have to figure out everything like I did.
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Posts: 103
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cecille.l wrote:Hi angelnewsletters,

I think it's best to keep your focus on learning about affiliate marketing. When you're done with the affiliate marketing lessons, you can then start on the Traffic Travis training. I don't think it's advisable to study two course at the same time, regardless if they're related to each other.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!

Hi again cecille, do you mean finish my affilorama free lessons and then start with all the material i got from traffic travis pro? thanks again
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Posts: 210
Joined: 16 Oct 09
I would start with the basics first, you have to crawl before you can walk. Eventually you will get into the advanced stuff and when the TT stuff starts to become more and more relevant and clear you can consume those too.
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Posts: 103
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Thanks to everybody for your suppor, thats what i tought, right now i almost finish the Market research part, (75% done) i finish also the 12 lessons on the introduction, and i almost begin to the PPC lessons.
as soon as i finish all lessons i will start with the traffic travis pro bonus lessons
Thanks again ang i will stay here for a while, things are getting clearer as i advance on my lessons.
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This topic was started on May 23, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
