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What's the best way to start building links to a site?

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What's the best way to start building links to a site?

Hi to everyone at the forum! :)

I'm obviously new on the forum but I have a question I'd like a second opinion on. There are so many different methods for link-building and as I'm planning my strategy I almost don't know where to begin!

I've been through a lot of the great link building lessons here at Affilorama, but I really want a basic link building structure I can apply to each article I put on my websites. I am afraid of all forms of blog networks (lol, really!) I don't like them at all and don't think google does either.

So please can a kind, gracious and knowledgeable member (*which you all are*) of this forum give me some ideas for a link building strategy on a website in the dating niche that doesn't involve outsourcing or paying anyone else to do anything for you as I'd like to learn it myself first.......

How can I get interested visitors and be cool with the big G at the same time?

Thanks In advance,

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Hi Gyles,

Welcome to Affilorama!

The best way right now to get backlinks and traffic while getting on Google's good graces is to share your site's content on Facebook and other social media sites. Get the users to like and share your content with other users. That earns you backlinks, traffic and brownie points with Google. The key to this method is your content. The content you share on these social media sites should be high-quality and entertaining so that users not only like it, they share it with others.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Thanks Cecille!

I'll definitely be putting it into practice.

Take care.
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Focus on 'quality links'. This means you need to come up with a SEO plan that focuses not just building links to strengthen your keywords and get a good page rank for each BUT also, you need to come up with ways on how you can build your list, gain customers' trust, and also help your customers- provide them what they need.

Content is king and yes, quality content still is one of the effective ways to build links and traffic in time. So I suggest focus your linkbuilding strategies on: creating content and marketing them, doing blog comments and forum posting, as well as engage in Q&A sites.

I hope that helps!

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All about social media and great content in 2013. I do a lot of social media work across the 5 top ones and google has really loved my site. If there was one to start on I would say google+ 1 its googles 2 googles states does not influance rankings(it does) 3 get google authorship people love photos. I also get a lot of traffic from pinterest. All have there uses but at this moment google is giving extre luv to people who are active on google plus they will never say so because opens the door to spammers.
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All about social media and great content in 2013.

I agree. Google loves your pages if it is shared on social media sites so there's a lot to gain from promoting your site through these websites.
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Thanks guys,

I'll be using all the advice given & share my site on the forum when it launches to get your input!

Really appreciate it,

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gylesbuckle1 wrote:Thanks guys,

I'll be using all the advice given & share my site on the forum when it launches to get your input!

Really appreciate it,


No problem, glad to help :)

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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Blog posting and Yahoo Answer is the best for start link building of your sites.
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The best way to build links to your site is to establish backlinks. Backlinks will serve as your tool to become noticed in virtual environment to promote your site. Among the significant factors to consider here are posts with quality-wise and original content, location of interesting sites, and involvement in subject-related forums.
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Question about Forum posting,
when is it too soon to start putting links in inside the posts when you're doing forum posting? How long should you wait?
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Content Content Content. HubSpot is a place for you to research more about inbound marketing
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As previous commentators pointed out, social media shares are a great source of links, but in my opinion you can’t rely solely on the links from social media, because they are no-follow, and many of them are not indexed. This means actual PR will not be passed via these links, however they will definetely bring you traffic and shares. I think forum posting and Q&A sites is a way to go, but actually dating niche is a tough one to get backlinks, especially since you try to avoid using blogs for backlink opportunities. That’s why creating great content and sharing it everywhere online is actually sounds like a strategy.
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While making a link building To do list, you should purely depend on content marketing. Generate great content ideas relevant to your website and go for guest blogging. Dont spin contents from some one else. Try to add value. Once your content get published, actively share them in social media to get social sharing that will pass social signal to search engines. Also, engage in QA sites and forums - solve relevant problems people are facing. This will create you happy subscribers and source natural links.

If your website is new, build brand or url anchors on your contents for first 3-4 weeks and then go for diversifying your anchor texts.
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What about things like yahoogroups that allow you to post links to your site - is that worthwhile now?

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robting8 wrote:Question about Forum posting,
when is it too soon to start putting links in inside the posts when you're doing forum posting? How long should you wait?


We do not really encourage members to insert their links inside the post. You can instead put your link in your signature section.

I hope that helps!

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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spatt29608 wrote:What about things like yahoogroups that allow you to post links to your site - is that worthwhile now?


Hi Sarah,

I am not sure about Yahoo groups but you can try and perhaps you'll get direct visits.

I suggest you try Yahoo Answers as well. You can put backinks there once you established a good number of posts and at the same time, Yahoo Answers are also indexed by search engines. :)

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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One has to reach the level 2 in Yahoo answers to post links to his sites. Of course Yahoo answers are potential enough to send quality visitors to your site.
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Recent times build a quality links are very tough job but it is the trump card for higher rankings that's for sure. I think quantity doesn't matter but build a quality links is one of the most important thing to reach the right destination, I means improve ranking. Try to focus on relevancy, quality, users mind and last but not least social community.
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