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What is Usually first Clickbank research or Keyword research

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Joined: 14 Jul 09

What is Usually first Clickbank research or Keyword research

Hello all...

Im a little lost here as to which Im wanting to do first. Sometimes I feel like doing some poking around at Clickbank researching some topics I am interested in possibly pursuing more, and then doing Keyword research relating to that particular topic.

And other times Im wondering if I should be doing Keyword research first, THEN try going to Clickbank to try to match a topic/product(s) in relation to my Keywords?

Im just wondering how others approach this? What works best for you?

Thanks in advance!

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You have to find a profitable niche first then build your keyword list. Check if your niche have Clickbank products with high gravity and good commission rates.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Hello everyone,

My name is Crazygeorge. I just wanted to say that I am new and just starting. I am really excited to just check one niche from Clickbank and start from there. Wish me luck. Will get back to you soon. Ok, have a great weekend.
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Last edited by michellerana on 16 Nov 09 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 1874
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Hi Crazygeorge,

Welcome to the exciting world of Affiliate Marketing :) I hope you'll be able to find a great niche. The lessons on Market Research - What to look for in an affiliate program will help you find one.

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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Michelle, thanks for the lessons on Market Research. A big help.
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Joined: 22 Nov 09
This is probably the 'brightest' question I've seen posted on these forums. Every time I start to watch Mark or anyone else promoting an internet marketing program, it seems they always start with keyword research. And every single one of them uses 'dog training' as an example as if it came off the top of their head.

I've got 15 years experience as a programmer. I don't want to spend 75% of my time if I purchase AB learning how to build a website. I can do that better than Mark. What I want is tools and guidance in finding profitable markets. Good niches. I scratch my head and can't concentrate thru a video that starts with keyword research because I know something is missing.

Saying 'Start with something you like' is ridiculous. There has to be someone with a product offering an affiliate program or it isn't going to matter how much I like anything.

So am I to understand that the one short lesson under Market Research on finding an affiliate program is it? What about putting together some lessons/videos covering all the affiliate marketplaces besides Clickbank. Discussing methods for finding profitable niches, finding what is popular out there today among affiliate marketers. If analyzing the profitability of products on Clickbank is all there is then fine. But somebody say it.

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Posts: 7
Joined: 14 Jul 09
EXACTLY jt !!!

You know there just seems to be some pieces to the Puzzle missing where all of this is concerned ...... And almost ALWAYS all I ever hear is one of 2 things used as an example, and that's either "DOG TRAINING" or "LEARN GUITAR"

And another thing that is DERAILING me with all of this is this:

I find it hard enough wrapping my mind around all this to begin with trying to digest it to put it into some kind of plan of action!
And now every day, (NO SEVERAL TIMES A DAY) all I keep getting are at least 3-5 Webinars DAILY to watch and listen to, all about PPC, CPA, you name it,,,,, And at a Hefty Price too I might add! EVERYBODY WANTS TO SELL YOU THEIR LATEST AND GREATEST PROGRAM!!!! ...... All the while when I haven't even gotten past first base!

Even HERE at Affilorama, I always hear not to get caught up in INFORMATION OVERLOAD, and well, ok so through here at Affilorama I have entered my email with a couple (not going to mention any names) others (via HERE, cause I value Marks guests he associates himself with) and it isn't long till I am getting all kinds of emails from them wanting me to buy their Programs as well!!! ........ I don't know, I just feel kind of put off with the whole GAME sometimes!!!

Everyone wants you to purchase their PROGRAM in the end really, and all the while not knowing really how to crawl yet, yet alone walk!

I really don't know SQUAT YET, and after just attending a few Webinars, all I am ever getting now is almost countless offers wanting me to purchase courses on PPC CPA etc.etc. TALK ABOUT INFORMATION OVERLOAD!

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This topic was started on Nov 13, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
