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what is the best way to track outbound links

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Joined: 03 Jan 12

what is the best way to track outbound links

what is the best way to track outbound links using google analytics and affilotheme?

I'm currently using a redirect. I don't believe they are tracked by google, or I can't find this data.

Should I make a blank page and add a redirect code to it? This way google analytics can track this page, and I can implement funnel tracking. Or is there a better way?

Any input is appreciated.
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Hi Frankie, I can only share with you what I do, (I'm no expert though),
Try 'Google Analytics for WordPress' by Joost De Valk
its default behavior and a bunch of other things is tracking external links as events, so after installing/setting-up, in G-A just go to Content>Events>Top Events etc.

Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/goo ... wordpress/

or do this: (specifically when he talks about tracking the 301 redirects.)
Link: http://yoast.com/affiliate-links-and-seo/

The robots.txt thing might not be a bad idea either.

Hope this helps.

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A redirect with Analytics code on it might not be picked up by Google since it loads too fast.
If you are a little familiar with php and mysql, you could make a script, eg:
In the script you ask for a GET value (the site that the script needs to redirect to), eg:
In the script you can write the redirect value to a database.
If you need help, I could see what I can do, please send me a message then.
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Outbound links can now be tracked through WordPress. You will be required to log in to your EordPress dashboard. Install the plug-in through the dashboard. This only suggests how easy tracking outbound links can be.
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GA is best.

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