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Using Different Photo For Sales Pages?

Posts: 29
Joined: 25 Jan 11

Using Different Photo For Sales Pages?

Hi there,

I notice a lot of people create products and use a different photo to sell it. For example, create a relationship ebook and use a woman more suitable to the demographic to sell it. How does this work? Do people just take a photo from internet or prearrange with someone?

Many thanks,
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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi Steve,

Using the right image in your eBook or sales pages is important because it helps you to convey the correct sales message. You would want the elements in your eBook/sales page to come together and work in getting you that sale.

If you are creating your own eBook/sales page, you can choose images from websites like istockphoto. There are also various designers online that can help you design your eBook or sales page like creativeebookdesign.com for example.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Posts: 29
Joined: 25 Jan 11
That helps. I just thought it may be illegal to use someone else's likeness to promote a product when they personally haven't vouched for it. Are you saying it is legal as long as it from istockphoto?
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Posts: 5
Joined: 28 May 11
Hi steve!

It is not illegal to use someone else photos as long as you and photo owner agree to its right, whether it is for free of use or with a license fee.

But either way , the other thing to consider is the quality of the images, photos are an incredibly important part of marketing your eBook , for instance a woman’s image on the cover page, that can help draw your buyers into hearing what you have to say, that depends on the model’s projection, aura and even the type of costume she is wearing , and another thing is the background of the image it should also fit on your eBooks’ theme or topic, that’s why professional photos is the best way to go.

Quality photos add a level of professionalism to your eBook, you may buy photos online or just grab from any free photo websites and if you decide it to be a computer generated images, you may hire a graphic artist to personalize the design and layout for you, or you may even hire a photographer for your model’s photo shoot, just don’t be afraid to express what you desire, so that the photographer may be able to understand what kind of images he or she needs capture.

If you decided to choose a computer generated images, I may be able to help you since I do graphic editing and designing, or go to these websites for free images:


For images with royalty fee you may go to this websites:

For paid photographers you may visit this website:

I hope this will help… more power to you!
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