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Traffic Travis and writing content

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Traffic Travis and writing content

I wanted to know if this method works to write quality contents that users might find useful:

Say for example I am in a Muscle building niche, I find the websites with the most authority on the subject like "TOP" muscle building forums and use Traffic Travis to get all the forum pages ranked according to the back-links it has generated or got on them according to the the number of back-links. Search for the problems that the users/muscle builders experience and asking for solutions on these famous pages. Then write quality content based on those problems and their solutions onto my articles!

Do you think it is a good strategy? Basically I am finding targeted and most prevalent problems and giving them solution in my website. Would that help build my site authority?

My guess is that people who search for those problems will be targeted to my site. The added bonus is the visitors find my site as gold mine and even bookmark for future references.

Anyone have any ideas or opinions or already tried this before? what was your results?
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Hi have to be honest here I have been online for 6 years and and was doing okay until me and panda had a falling out. So two years ago I asked google what it wants and google said authority sites. Which is great for you as jet packs give you a great advantage(I wish there was something like it when I first started out) I have been in the muscle building field for over 2 years now and although there is a lot of money to be made in this niche you need to have a target audiance muscle building or buliding muscle is to broad a term and you will be up against the big boys who google loves. What I hit on was targeting a age group so I could follow everything bodybuilding.com or muscle and strength do but target my articles and videos at that age group.People need to trust you before they buy from you or bookmark you. After two years and only the last year making money the one thing I have learnt is that google loves authority sites google loves seeing you on social media;(reason being if you are in it just for money you will get fed up posting and pinning after a while) it shows you are serious. The reason I talk about google a lot is that unless you have a lot of money you need to stay on googles side to make money. One little tip to get good backlinks which google will reward you is if you are not on pinterest join it, when you write a article put a high quality photo in there then either pin it on to a popular board or create your own and google will rank it high in there searches. At the moment pinterest is a do follow site and google loves it. I have about 30 articles on pinterest and I get a lot of traffic from pinterest and ranked well in google. just be careful to only put high quality photos which relate to the article and do not spam I have over 400 articles but only put 10% on pinterest. Another bit of advcle whatever niche you are in is listen to a lot of webiners there is some great advice for free(just leave before the hard sell) Good luck its hard work but nothing like getting a email from paypal to make you feel better.. Not sure if I can leave my details here but if anyone needs some advive feel free to ask
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chidi11 wrote:Hi have to be honest here I have been online for 6 years and and was doing okay until me and panda had a falling out. So two years ago I asked google what it wants and google said authority sites. Which is great for you as jet packs give you a great advantage(I wish there was something like it when I first started out) I have been in the muscle building field for over 2 years now and although there is a lot of money to be made in this niche you need to have a target audiance muscle building or buliding muscle is to broad a term and you will be up against the big boys who google loves. What I hit on was targeting a age group so I could follow everything bodybuilding.com or muscle and strength do but target my articles and videos at that age group.People need to trust you before they buy from you or bookmark you. After two years and only the last year making money the one thing I have learnt is that google loves authority sites google loves seeing you on social media;(reason being if you are in it just for money you will get fed up posting and pinning after a while) it shows you are serious. The reason I talk about google a lot is that unless you have a lot of money you need to stay on googles side to make money. One little tip to get good backlinks which google will reward you is if you are not on pinterest join it, when you write a article put a high quality photo in there then either pin it on to a popular board or create your own and google will rank it high in there searches. At the moment pinterest is a do follow site and google loves it. I have about 30 articles on pinterest and I get a lot of traffic from pinterest and ranked well in google. just be careful to only put high quality photos which relate to the article and do not spam I have over 400 articles but only put 10% on pinterest. Another bit of advcle whatever niche you are in is listen to a lot of webiners there is some great advice for free(just leave before the hard sell) Good luck its hard work but nothing like getting a email from paypal to make you feel better.. Not sure if I can leave my details here but if anyone needs some advive feel free to ask

Oh! You are the man :) thanks for sharing your experiences and it was a quality advice. Past 6 years as a full time job running websites?

Another point you made was webinars, there are truly informative and hard to find real info about the background of successful marketers. I am looking for very successful real life niches marketers and learn from them. Email them, video chat or face to face contact and learn from true people, the reason behind that was I have noticed many people getting ripped off WSO offers, one guy even suggested on a post to make one WSO joint venture and make tons of money and I was rofl :)

There are many truly awesome ways if one has the right master for my chosen strategy. Man, 6 years is a long time, you must have made couple of hundred grands if it was your full time job. Where you only slightly interested in internet marketing and therefore spent less time building your lists?

I guessthe Google panda update knocked many people out :(. My strategy is to build my website only partly depending on the SEO, thinking of that the Google will knock us out anytime is pretty scary. So building authority sites is my chief aim, luckily I am knowledgeable in many areas :). I would just focus on them.
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sounds good do not fight google find out what google wants and build your website based on it so when does there algorithms you will be able to change. If you are not on google+ i recommend you join as well. As stated before you are in a good place to learn as there are a lot of good people on here.
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Researching keywords and topics on forums and 'social' sites is the #1 way to do market research in my opinion,
because you can build content from sources like a forum that will convert.

You also have to be able to use the language that your target audience uses, the keywords, slang words, etc.
and use this language in your content and sales copy, like landing pages, PPC ads, e-mails.

Another place to 'Spy' on your future prospects is of course Twitter.

70% of people who buy online read reviews before purchasing, so Amazon reviews are great
for figuring out the language and mindset of buyers.

Traffic is great, but what good is all that traffic if you cannot convert it.
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Marketing and getting backinks from forums and other community-based sites that are related to your niche is always a good idea. Not only you're able to get good backlinks to these sites, you are also attracting direct visitors and potential buyers.

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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This is the problem with these discussion there is not a number one way of doing anything. You should try lots of different things and see what works in your niche. Always make me laugh when people say this is the number one way of doing something. The reason 97% of people fail online is so called experts telling them this is the number one way to do something. I have learnt over the 7 years what might have worked in the past might not work in the future. You need to keep your eyes and ears open for new ideas. I have done the above and yes do get traffic but I get more traffic from pinterest. Would I say is the number one way of doing it. No. Try lots of things what works in one niche might not work in another. I get my traffic from lots of different sources I do not have a. NUMBER ONE way and neither should you if you want to succed in business. So ending with when the next guru tells you this is the NUMBER ONE way of doing something ask them how much they are charging. NEVER EVER use slang words you do not no who will be offended buy them. One little thing to add in the fitness field (as this is the niche the question was about) it rare people buy the first time they come to your site. They are looking for infomation about a problem if you can solve that problem then next time they have the same problem they will come back to you. I find a lot of my sales come a week or two after they have visted my site. Help people and the money will follow.
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The #1 way to do Market Research right now is using social sites, in my opinion. (Other than spending tons of money conducting surveys and running focus groups.)

I didn't say anything about getting traffic.

I am talking about getting conversions.

You do want to use slang words (not vulgar/curse words), if you learn the language you can make that extra connection with your prospects, instead of saying "Stop your cat from scratching furniture" like a robot, you'd say something like "Finally get peace of mind knowing that your little ball-of-fur won't claw your furniture while you sleep".

I agree, building a relationship with your visitors is key, people buy from people not websites, so why not try and talk to them like a friend would in their language, building that connection.

In order to figure out what the problems you need to solve even are, you need to do the research to discover them and so using social sites like say Amazon reviews and forums like the OP will be doing, will help you do just that.

Writing quality content based on problems discussed on top forums and giving solutions to those problems on your site sounds like a good plan, go for it Praveen.

P.S. Praveen, Just test it dude.
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Lets hope people do not follow your ideas. REpeat if someone tells me this is the number one way of doing anything I ask this question do you know every market what works in one market well may not work in another market. Anyone reading this do not close you mind to everything. I have done well online because I try lots of different things and use the ones what work well in my niche. If you are a newbie do not let anyone tell you this is the number ONE way of doing anything. Say it does not work what then. You will find a lot of people will tell you this is the way to do things. Keep your mind open try different things find out what works in your niche and start running if someone ever tells you this is the number one way to do anything. As far as slang words go fine if you are only speaking to a english speaking market but i speak to the world and have a translator plugin on my site. You start using slang words you do not know what it will change to. I repeat if you are appealingto english speaking then use all the slang you want. If you are worldwide do not use them
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No one said not to do anything else, go for it, just start with what has the most potential and/or data, in this case social sites have tons of data that can really help in doing research.
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endy daniyanto
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tankctrlr wrote:Instead of saying "Stop your cat from scratching furniture" like a robot, you'd say something like "Finally get peace of mind knowing that your little ball-of-fur won't claw your furniture while you sleep".


What should be at the heart of every piece of content all of us here produce. Find the problems that people are talking about (using forums and social sites), then write content based on a targeted keyword (to get search engine traffic too).

Of course, good writing like this will take time, so just get started and revise as you go along.

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chidi11 wrote:sounds good do not fight google find out what google wants and build your website based on it so when does there algorithms you will be able to change. If you are not on google+ i recommend you join as well. As stated before you are in a good place to learn as there are a lot of good people on here.

Definitely, Chidi. Lots of awesome people here, I would be one of the luckiest ones. It is because I came straight to the source of right information on Authority websites at least.

Would you be kind enough to look at my website , www.cureacnesafely.com, shall I start linking building now? I know many other fields are empty! Believe me, my site is a gold mine of information for even the people who know so much information about acne :).

I am adding more information, but content creation like this is such a big hard work. I am planning to add 10 articles every week.
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Last edited by swordsedge89 on 04 Feb 13 6:38 am, edited 2 times in total.

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tankctrlr wrote:@chidi11

The #1 way to do Market Research right now is using social sites, in my opinion. (Other than spending tons of money conducting surveys and running focus groups.)

I didn't say anything about getting traffic.

I am talking about getting conversions.

You do want to use slang words (not vulgar/curse words), if you learn the language you can make that extra connection with your prospects, instead of saying "Stop your cat from scratching furniture" like a robot, you'd say something like "Finally get peace of mind knowing that your little ball-of-fur won't claw your furniture while you sleep".

I agree, building a relationship with your visitors is key, people buy from people not websites, so why not try and talk to them like a friend would in their language, building that connection.

In order to figure out what the problems you need to solve even are, you need to do the research to discover them and so using social sites like say Amazon reviews and forums like the OP will be doing, will help you do just that.

Writing quality content based on problems discussed on top forums and giving solutions to those problems on your site sounds like a good plan, go for it Praveen.

P.S. Praveen, Just test it dude.

Awesome Tank, also I never thought about Amazon reviews, I found it very helpful :)
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chidi11 wrote:This is the problem with these discussion there is not a number one way of doing anything. You should try lots of different things and see what works in your niche. Always make me laugh when people say this is the number one way of doing something. The reason 97% of people fail online is so called experts telling them this is the number one way to do something. I have learnt over the 7 years what might have worked in the past might not work in the future. You need to keep your eyes and ears open for new ideas. I have done the above and yes do get traffic but I get more traffic from pinterest. Would I say is the number one way of doing it. No. Try lots of things what works in one niche might not work in another. I get my traffic from lots of different sources I do not have a. NUMBER ONE way and neither should you if you want to succed in business. So ending with when the next guru tells you this is the NUMBER ONE way of doing something ask them how much they are charging. NEVER EVER use slang words you do not no who will be offended buy them. One little thing to add in the fitness field (as this is the niche the question was about) it rare people buy the first time they come to your site. They are looking for infomation about a problem if you can solve that problem then next time they have the same problem they will come back to you. I find a lot of my sales come a week or two after they have visted my site. Help people and the money will follow.

That makes sense. I could post 1000 articles but,if it is not targeted and focused on solving a individual's problems and, if it is just gibberish knowledge, at the end of the day, it is useless.
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ed5 wrote:
tankctrlr wrote:Instead of saying "Stop your cat from scratching furniture" like a robot, you'd say something like "Finally get peace of mind knowing that your little ball-of-fur won't claw your furniture while you sleep".


What should be at the heart of every piece of content all of us here produce. Find the problems that people are talking about (using forums and social sites), then write content based on a targeted keyword (to get search engine traffic too).

Of course, good writing like this will take time, so just get started and revise as you go along.


Thanks Ed.
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What is an authority site ?
Is this just a high ranke website ?
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pierrorider22 wrote:What is an authority site ?
Is this just a high ranke website ?

The definition of authority site depends on how you use or define the term. There is actually no definite description for this term but it has become one of the most coined term in SEO.

An authority site can be a site that has:
*high page rank
*backlinks with high page rank
*good and valuable content
*good traffic and conversion rate

OR simply put, it is a site that is trusted by search engines (most especially by Google)

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