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Tracking where sales come from

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Joined: 07 Apr 08

Tracking where sales come from

Hello all.

I wondering if there is a software that can track and tell me where, What articles, posts etc has converted into a sale?

I have articles that once did make consistant sales. but have slowly droped of.

There are still the odd sales coming in from them, but I feel there needs to be some SEO done to increase them again...

Thanks in advance
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Hi kiwiboy,

The only application I can think of is Google Analytics. It will show you the traffic for each page on your site so you can tell what pages are most visited. Judging from what you said about making sales before and then a slow decline, you need to check your keywords see how you are still ranking versus your competitors.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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You could also use Awstats. It is based on server log files and can detect search engine bot logs. You can view some AWStats sample recent reports here: http://www.nltechno.com/awstats/awstats ... ailleur.fr

However, you need to use their ExtraSection feature if you want to track sales.
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Sometimes I use Google's url shorterner, as it does show the click rate stats, and which countries they came from, and what websites/domain were the clicks initiated.
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If you're using Clickbank you can setup tracking ID's and really laser target your tracking. For example, you could setup an ID for each individual link on a particular page, so not only would you know what page had made a sale, but if the text link or image banner, or link in the middle, bottom of the page, etc.
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