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Stretching a narrow subject...

Posts: 27
Joined: 29 Apr 09

Stretching a narrow subject...


In watching the video on World of Warcraft, Mark was talking about the need to branch out (categories) on your subject so your site doesn't have 30 articles that are closely related to the same longtail keyword. For instance he branched out on the different players, etc.

In this scenario of a game this would be easy. In a topic like Yeast Infection, how do you branch out in different directions.
For example you can have Yeast Infections for men, women, treatment, cures, symptoms, but after that it becomes harder to have a site that has many different topics without boring your reader. You can have the review articles be different but it seems a bit narrow topic. Maybe I didn't visit enough forums?

What would you do in this situation?
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Posts: 37
Joined: 22 Mar 09
Ask and ye shall receive!

This is not going to be the most pleasant post to read but to give you some ideas on yeast infection here are some branches you can travel down, if you dare.

Feminine itching
types of yeast that cause infections
Natural cures
Why you get yeast Infections

You will only be bound your keywords and imagination. The more keywords/phrases you get the more opportunities for articles. What I like to do is to search the keyword term and see what other sites are writing about that have ranked high in Google for that keyword. That is how I came up with the list above in about 3 mins. I use software that does this type of search for me but you can do it manually. Only investment needed is time. Always try and think out of the box (no pun intended)

If there is a whole industry dedicated to your niche, think OBGYN, then I know your can branch off and make hundreds of articles if you so desire.

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Posts: 27
Joined: 29 Apr 09
Your post is funny...

Ok, I got you, kinda like a miniature authority site or should I say a wide theme. I'm still in super narrow deep mode from previous training.

What's the name of your software?

Another thing, in something like douching, would you put that into traffic travis to get related keywords for a category?

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Posts: 37
Joined: 22 Mar 09
It would depend on your research, honestly I don't know how douching relates to yeast infections. When you find that out it may give you enough ideas for more articles. But it is important to target keyword phrases that get enough monthly searches to make the effort worth it.

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Posts: 1
Joined: 28 Apr 09
Great information. I'm in the same boat as affgleg in that all my keywords seem to be a lot alike which is going to make for a very boring website if I don't figure this out.
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