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Niches with high demand

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Niches with high demand

What if I would say that each niche has its own demand? I mean an affiliate marketer can try his hand on any niche provided he has complete confidence and knowledge about the market his niche boasts.

Most affiliate marketers tend to spend a lot of time finding out the 'best' niches. Any niche for that matter can come good on the marketer's day! I still wonder and have my own doubts regarding niches such as apparel, jewelry and health products. Please share your experiences in the above mentioned niches.
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The best niche to specialize in, would be the niche that you love the most. This niche might not be the most popular or profitable but it will be the one that you love and can easily talk/blog/write about. There's a better chance of monetizing a niche that you love talking about than a so called 'popular' niche, than you know nothing about.
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Adam Kent - Social Media Manager at http://jarvee.com/

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker

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Yes, you are mostly right. One must have love and passion about the niche he works on. If one has love and passion he must have sufficient knowledge about that which is the most important requirement. However, the niche should be loved by some other group of people which is related to 'traffic'. If a significant amount of people are not interested in that niche there will be very few people to read what you have to say, and all will be in vain. Lastly, the niche should have good products to be sold without which an affiliate marketer will have nothing to achieve.
I am new here and I have very little knowledge. I am also very confused about 'niche'. I started learning about online marketing long time ago but could not yet started anything till today, only because I am too confused to choose a niche. When I read an article or watch a video I see that I know most of it but yet I am unable to start. Thus, I might be wrong and I will highly appreciate if anyone comment on my opinion.
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A good niche will always be a blend of:
1. market size
2. market value (how much products sell for. Usually judged by CPC)
3. your personal interest in the niche
4. your ability to uncover opportunity in the niche, or find a unique selling proposition for a product (UVP)
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While it is a good thing to start with a niche that you love most, you still have to do some research and analyze if the niche you've chosen is in demand or at least you can earn a decent money from that niche.

A good tip you can use when doing niche and market research is to look for 'evergreen' niches or those niches that are popular,profitable, and always in demand no matter what season or time of the year it is.

You can easily search for evergreen niches online. Just type 'evergreen' niches on Google search tab and you will see tons of suggestions from there. You may also visit Afilorama blog section since we also feature good niches that you can promote on your website.

Once you have the list of niches, check the ones that you love to do or promote. Pick at least 3 niches and from this list then do a research for possible sub-niches or sub-topics for each niche. Once you have completed the sub niche research for all 3 niches choose one that you love most from the list. And viola! You now have a niche! :)

I also suggest you check out our free lessons in Affilorama for more tips on how to look for profitable niches.

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For example, "making money" niche is always in demand because a lot of people are looking for jobs or passive income. It is a highly saturated niche, and the demands are always there.

If I chose a training niche like "how to sing", it is a less saturated niche with lesser competition. Capitalizing on this niche can be advantageous. It can't be impossible to capitalize on any niche that has demands for it.
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endy daniyanto
Posts: 119
Joined: 02 Jun 12
Hey Kallay,

I once read from a different affiliate marketing forum that "every niche is profitable". But from my experience, there are niches that are more profitable than other niches. You could spend your time building a website in any niche, but why not build a website in a niche that is proven to make you money?

Sure, the criteria of a good niche is useful. But I find that the best niche is simply the one that makes you money. Which niche has made you the most money so far? That's the one you should focus on.

I have found that by focusing on the niche that is the most profitable for me, I can make a good amount of income.

I've made a short video that talks about how I find my best niches: https://youtu.be/BSpbtlzlaBw

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Songwriter. Affiliate marketer. Casual gamer.

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