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Minimum keyword search volumes?

Posts: 21
Joined: 19 Nov 09

Minimum keyword search volumes?

Hi All,

Can you please advise what Mark considers to be the minimum search volumes for keywords in both the Google Keyword Tool and also in Traffic Travis?

Thanks and Merry Xmas to all,

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Posts: 17
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I believe if I remember right these are the numbers you are looking for:

Keyword phrase should be at least 3 words or more.
Keyword search volume should be at least 1500 per month

If you go any lower than that you will not get much traffic. The only exception to this is by using direct product names or product owner/creator's name. This is a highly targeted keyword and therefore the search volume can be lower.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks Dale :)
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I actually usually go for 1000 search volume (google kw tool) or 35 per day (TT keyword tool). I was going for 1500 at the time of recording affiloblueprint but have since changed from that to 1000. Sometimes I go for some phrases that are less than 1000, but I balance it out with other phrases that are higher or with more articles.


I might create 2 articles based on keywords that have 500 searches each (as opposed to a single article on a keyword phrase that has 1000 searches). I do this when there are not enough searches in the market, and/or when there are article topics that are good content for my website regardless of search volume.

All the best,
p.s. I also prefer a difficulty rating of 4 or 5 in T.Travis for at least 80% of my keyword phrases.
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As long as your producing material I would say you can go even lower. I have squidoo lenses that bring an extra $50-$100 a month that only are targeted to words w/300 search volume. You have to consider that w/whatever you write your going to rank for other searches as well : )
I suggest setting up google analytics and checking what people are typing in now to find your content. Then create content targeted towrd those keywords too.
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tangoshoes wrote:As long as your producing material I would say you can go even lower. I have squidoo lenses that bring an extra $50-$100 a month that only are targeted to words w/300 search volume. You have to consider that w/whatever you write your going to rank for other searches as well : )
I suggest setting up google analytics and checking what people are typing in now to find your content. Then create content targeted towrd those keywords too.

300 search volume total? It seems like all the keywords im finding have hundreds of thousands or not enough information. Could you give an example please?
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that will depend upon your niche, and what you are writing. For my 30 page sites, I stick with 1000 or more, for blogs I go as low as 400/month, since I will be posting regularly and will eventually have loads of pages.

Just make sure that you choose keywords that are specific, and targeting people who want to buy something. Product names are a good example. you may only get 500 searches/ month but if someone is looking for the product, they probably want to buy it.
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