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Linking Your Own Websites

Posts: 14
Joined: 27 Jul 10

Linking Your Own Websites

Does anybody know if linking to your own websites is good or bad?

I was told that having links to other websites that you own is looked at as bad by google as they see it as bias from the same IP..but if the sites are related then why is it bad?

For example Can I make a link from my site http://home-based-business-ideas.com to my other site which is http://niche-marketing.org without being penalized?

What about if the sites are not related?
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Posts: 14
Joined: 27 Jul 10
I have another question regarding backlinks. Is it best when making a backlinks to use anchor text related to the target or will linking back to the main url be sufficient? For example If I am trying to rank specific keywords by making links back to my site. Is it better to make the backlinks go to the specific pages on that site where the keywords are most targeted or will a link back to the main sites url be suffice?

ie: Take my site niche-marketing.org. Now, say I want to make a backlink using the anchor text "new marketing ideas". Is it okay to target the backlink simply to my primary url (niche-marketing.org) or is it better to use a more related sub-page such as (niche-marketing.org/new-marketing-ideas)?

I get confused thinking about all these kind of linking vaiations and what is the best way to orgainize them.

Any help would be much appreciated ..thank you
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Joined: 19 Jun 09
it wont hurt your SEO to have one or two links from other sites on a shared hosting account, but it wont help. When people say its a bad thing, its all about moderation. Some people try to put up a site on a separate domain just using it as backlinking. This looks fishy to google and will be flagged as spam. But to have one or two links because they are highly relevant sites is not a problem.

When looking at linking, you have to say, is it something that you would link naturally, or are you just doing it for SEO? if the linking is just for seo, then stop wasting your time. Google is too finiky to rely on anyway, and you would be better off looking for easier sources of traffic.

When it comes to building your links, search rankings are done by page, not website. rankings will depend on links to that page, so you need to build links to all the pages
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Why not.I am not seeing any problem there.In fact I also did it for couple of my blog sites although they are not relevant at all.
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This topic was started on Jul 11, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
