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Keyword research using Google Keyword Tool & Traffic Travis

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

Keyword research using Google Keyword Tool & Traffic Travis

I have been checking on my keywords to see what the volume is for people using them in a search and don't know what to make of them, when I put my keywords into google keyword tool they tell me that the keywords I am inputting are used about 10,000 times a month, the same keywords put into Traffic Travis and it says it is used 2016 times a day, how could there be such a big difference in the results. At first I thought maybe googles numbers were coming only from the use in the US and Traffic Travis's numbers coming from global. But when looking at google's results it does say global monthly searches and local monthly searches. So do they mean only google searches. I have tried a few other keyword checkers like keyword spy and they list my keywords being searched 49,500 a month. I guess my question is with such different results from different keyword tools how in the world can we find out what results are accurate. thanks Mark
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For one thing Google has algorithms that filter out automated querries (like the ones from TT and other kw tools) so their numbers will be more accurate

Personally, I don't really trust the TT numbers in the Kw tool very much . I always go by the numbers from google
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jmpruitt wrote:For one thing Google has algorithms that filter out automated querries (like the ones from TT and other kw tools) so their numbers will be more accurate

Personally, I don't really trust the TT numbers in the Kw tool very much . I always go by the numbers from google

Jmpruitt is right on here. We all try to rank in google, and they are the authority; therefore I always go with google results because they tell you what the numbers that will make you money and get you traffic are in their own search engine precisely
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The daily search volume is an ever evolving process. We keep tabs on millions and millions of words and we try out best to keep these up to date.

The difference may be due to Traffic Travis pointing to the old Google Keyword Tool. We are currently in the process of acquiring a new data source for this information. We changed our keyword source on Traffic Travis version 4 which will be released soon so the results would be better.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We are spending more time and effort into making Traffic Travis better.

Happy New Year :)
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