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Internet Marketing Idea

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Joined: 20 Jun 11

Internet Marketing Idea

People get in to this for various reasons, but I would have to say that the biggest reason is to make money. Whether to try to make this a full time gig, or make just enough to make a car payment, money is a huge motivating factor.

Unfortunately though, people get the wrong idea about just how "easy" it is to actually make any money doing this. In fact, some 93% of the people who actually consider themselves internet marketers don't make a red cent.

Part of the issue is they are sold a bill of goods. They are told over and over how easy it is to do, that they can make money in their sleep, etc. What their NOT told is how much work is actually involved to GET to that point.

Then there are those who simply don't want to make the effort. They buy product after product, open it up and see that work is involved, and then stop right then and there. Then they wonder why they are not having the success they feel they deserve.

At the end of the day, it comes down to focus and desire. The true desire to succeed, then the power of focus to study and put in to action what they learn.

It also helps a lot to laser focus on one or two particular things at a time. For example, focus on becoming a killer copy writer, or perhaps article marketing, or creating and selling products. In the internet marketing world, there are so many of these sub-niches that it can be hard to focus on just one or two.

So right now, perhaps you're at that point - trying to pare down your focus on one particular subject. I can help you...

IVMS is one such sub-niche that you can focus on, and right now, you can grab this training CD for free. It even comes with a free sample of our killer marketing newsletter.

Just visit us at: (link removed by moderator) - Please do not post the exact same content (word for word) that you have posted to dozens of other sites just to promote your product..thankyou
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Posts: 26
Joined: 13 May 11
Thanks indeed for sharing these useful tips.Actually its all about passion.If you are passionate and focused as you said then success will certainly come although it may take some time.
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Work from home affiliate program INSANE conversions :http://rebateprocessorjobs.com/affiliates.htm
mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
Ya, I know what you mean but even then you may be very focused and put in all the hours and still not make a penny. Then there are the places like google who think your web site is at best fair and not bad enough for the slap or to be banned all together but will be more then happy to charge you double what a better site is paying for ppc ads on adwords so you can make just enough money to pay for your adds. And the little bit of traffic from article marketing makes you think is that worth the trouble. And we all get tired of being told to buy the next great thing to make money and most of them are just crap. Even if you do exactly what you are told to do doesn't mean you are going to pic the right thing to sell and to the right thing to make money. Just someone made money by doing a b and c doesn't mean it is going to work for you.
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Posts: 25
Joined: 03 Jun 10
Hey friends,

Thanks for sharing your valuable suggestion, people go for a weight training program for the benefit it offers. Any business owner that uses these internet marketing ideas will definitely be able to attract as much traffic as you wish to and you will be able to increase your business income easily. You just need to make sure you use as many of these methods as you can for building as much traffic as possible so you can start earning the income you want.

Thanks a lot
Hellin Knighting
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Register yourself at various online focus group collectives and start the ball rolling straight away.

This topic was started on Jun 20, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
