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If your keywords are similiar, won't your article be also?

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Joined: 10 May 11

If your keywords are similiar, won't your article be also?

I've narrowed down my keywords to the ones that I think will convert better to sells. Now I know which ones I need to write articles on, but I have a problem. Some of them are basically the same thing, just worded different. I will give an example using a different niche, because I don't want anyone to steal my ideas and create more competition for myself. So lets say the niche is on building muscle. Lets pretend that these are some of the keyword phrases:
build muscle fast
how to build muscle fast
building muscle techniques
guide to building muscle
guide to building muscle fast
learn how to build muscle
learn how to build muscle fast

So you can see that some of them are basically about the same thing. Some have the word fast on the end, and some don't. And, the words at the beginning (how to, learn how, guide to) are saying basically the same thing. So would you write articles for each one of them, even though your articles will be saying basically the same thing, or would take a different approach? I'm not sure how to deal with this issue. Also, what if you had a couple keyword phrases and the only difference is that one has "ing" on the end and the other doesn't. Such as "build muscle" and "buiding muscle". Or, if you had a couple keyword phrases and the only difference is that one of them has and "s" on the end and the other doesn't. I can't imagine that you'd want several articles on your website that are all saying bacially the same thing. But, you do want to get ranked for the keywords and get traffic from them. So what do you do?
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Posts: 21
Joined: 01 Jun 11
me personally, i would take 2 or 3 similar keywords, write an article about those and rank that page/article for those 2-3 keywords

- build muscle fast
- how to build muscle fast
will be on one article and will be optimized and ranked for those...

another article for these:
- guide to building muscle
- guide to building muscle fast

and 3rd article for these or something
- learn how to build muscle
- learn how to build muscle fast

in other words, you can rank 3 keywords/phrases in 1 article.
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Feasible Business Model - Create $20/day niche website with 'money words' that are extremely easy to rank for (Web2.0 profiles, Forum Profiles and Articles for Directories is all you need in a scheduled submission! Niche Profit Shortcut is what it's called.. then repeat 10 times! (that's $200/day!) only at

http://www.nicheproftclassroom.com/ - by Adam Short.

Posts: 361
Joined: 10 May 11
I did not know that you could rank for more than one keyword phrase from one article/page. I thought that the title of your article/page determined what you ranked for.

So how would you lay out your page if you did it that way? One phrase in the title, another in the header or what? Do you try to work all of the phrases into your paragraphs? And when you have all your article titles listed down the side of the page, some of them would lead to the same page wouldn't they?
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Simply change the structure of each article. This will allow you to target a similar keyword but it will be entirely different content. As a note: it's best to target one keyword per article (title tag, meta description, tags, meta keywords, h1 tag). This doesn't mean you cannot add themed keywords or similar to the article because you should. But if you want to rank highly for each the chosen keywords then you should write an article for each of the unique keywords you want ranked for.

Changing the article structure:

build muscle fast - 5 things you should not do! - Write about what you "should not do" to build muscle mass fast.
how to build muscle fast - 10 unique methods. - ten methods to build muscle mass that only elite bodybuilders know about.
building muscle techniques - the best of the best - write an article about the best muscle building techniques available.
guide to building muscle - do's and don'ts. - Write a list of 5 do's and 5 don'ts in regards to building muscle.
guide to building muscle fast - common mistakes. - write an article about all the common mistakes made by newbies.
learn how to build muscle - gym vs home - whats better to build muscle, the gym or home gym? Write an article about the answer.
learn how to build muscle fast - workouts reviewed - review the best muscle building workouts and include your affiliate link.

You see by changing the structure: how to, lists, do's and don'ts, reviews, mistakes, etc. You can have target very closely related keywords with ease. Just do your research, use a structure, and it can be easy. Even if the keyword was exactly the same (not that you would want to do this for necessarily).

Hope this helps,

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Posts: 21
Joined: 01 Jun 11
Right, what he said. :)

Thanks for that Alex
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Feasible Business Model - Create $20/day niche website with 'money words' that are extremely easy to rank for (Web2.0 profiles, Forum Profiles and Articles for Directories is all you need in a scheduled submission! Niche Profit Shortcut is what it's called.. then repeat 10 times! (that's $200/day!) only at

http://www.nicheproftclassroom.com/ - by Adam Short.

Posts: 361
Joined: 10 May 11
Thank you. That was helpful, but in the examples that digiblue just gave, I'm not sure which one should be the title of the article. For example, the first example you gave said:

build muscle fast - 5 things you should not do!

So, in that example, is build muscle fast the title of the article and 5 things you should not do! a sub-title. Or is 5 things you should not do! the title by itself and you just weave the keyword phrase build muscle fast into your paragraphs once in a while (every hundred words or so as they say). I'm not sure which way you meant that. What will people see for the title in your list of articles going down the side of your page. Will they see build muscle fast, 5 things you should not do, or will they see both.

Here are three more of your digiblue's examples:
how to build muscle fast - 10 unique methods.
building muscle techniques - the best of the best
guide to building muscle - do's and don'ts.

I think what you are saying is that the article titles which people will see listed down the side of the page are: how to build muscle fast, building muscle techniques, and guide to building muscle. And, the sub-titles which people only see after they've clicked on the article titles are: 10 unique methods, the best of the best, and do's and don'ts.

I'm not sure if I have that right, could you clarify that for me.
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Posts: 239
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I am big on selling the click, whether it's using catchy title that will display as a the title when people are searching for the keyword or when they are actually on the Affiloblueprint Website and they are looking at the sidebar for any other article they might consider reading.

If you look at a traditional affiloblueprint website you will see a big list of titles of the articles that only use the keywords without adding some sizzle. I don't recommend this approach. If you see any high quality articles being written they have a catchy title, not just a keyword. Take a look at the top submission on digg.com for example. The most dug and click-through articles and submissions "sell the click" by making it hard not to want to click on the article and find out more about it.

This is the same approach I recommend for the AffiloBlueprint Websites. But when writing the title keep the words down to under 10, be short and sharp and catchy. Those examples I gave where off the top of my head, so use them as a guide only.

Let me know if that clarify's everything for you :)

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