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I Realized My Page Is Targetting The "Wrong" Keyword

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Joined: 15 Nov 11

I Realized My Page Is Targetting The "Wrong" Keyword


I have one page on my site that has generated 1 sale and is currently sitting on 13th spot in google for it's main keyword with 480 exact searches/month (it is together with another page the only two pages that has generated any sale so far).

For the records the main keyword only has 1 other related kw that I could target. But 480 local searches is still OK and I would like to keep it as I will probably hit 1st page soon and that could hopefully still generate a sale every now and then.

However.. I found two other similar kw's that I could target with 1 page and they have 1000+ 720 exact searches/month. A great number for me.

To get a better picture of the keywords It would look something like this:

KW 1 (my main keyword I am targeting atm): Nike XCS 17
KW 2 (the new kw): Nike XanCeys Sport
KW 3 (the new kw): Nike XanCeys

As you can see the new keywords has 1 term that is exactly the same as the one I am currently ranking. The other two is not related.

BUT, my current page has the domain name:

So it basically contains the other keywords that I just found. The page itself also mentions "Nike XCS 17 XanCeys Sport" a few times in the content.

So, what do I do? Do I:

    Edit my current post to target my new keywords and forget about the other one?

    Add another review similar to my current one and target my new keywords?

I am desperately looking for answers. Please share your opinion!

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Posts: 6369
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Hi Al,

I think it best to just add another review targeting your new keywords since you already have the page for your first keyword ranking already. The new review should be an original article and completely different from the one ranking for your first keyword.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Hi Cecille,

Thanks for your answer.

I agree and was thinking the same thing. But what do you mean with completely different? I understand that it has to be completely different in order to not be penalized by google and drop ranking for both pages (or maybe it will drag my entire site down? who knows..)

My first review pretty much covers all the basics you need to know about it.. In what way can I tweak it to make it completely different? On the other page I have 2 images of the product, could I re-use at least 1 of them if I were to change the position on them or should I use new images all together?

I PM'ed you the page in question so if you want, and if you have time you could go check it out. I'd be forever grateful!

Have a great day.
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Posts: 6369
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Hi Al,

You can take on a different angle for the new article. You'll be talking about the same product but instead of making it come out as a review with the product's specs and all that, try making the article sound more like sharing your personal experience in using the product: how much you like it, why you like it, what you benefit from it, etc. You can use the same image but I would go find new ones to use.

I have also responded to your personal message.

I hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Thanks for answering so quickly.

I'm going to put someone to work on this soon. But I am a bit worried that using very similiar subdomains could harm my site.

http://site.com/nike-xcs-14-blazer-jacket <------ Current Page

http://site.com/nike-blazer-jacket <------ What the next site will look like

Can this in any way be harmful? Has anyone experienced a significant drop in rankings because of this? Or perhaps even de-indexed? I am a bit worried I have to admit. Especielly since my site is on first page for quite a few keywords. At the same time I think the other two keywords are so much better and can generate so much more profit.

Edit: This Is Just IN: I saw that the 2 new keywords I want to target in a new post is currently ranking 18 and 22 on my current review page. Does this change things? If so, in what way?
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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi Al,

I don't think this would have any effect on your rankings. The keywords may be similar but they are not the same. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, you need to make sure that your article for your new keywords need to be unique, and different from your article on the first keyword. If you look at your keywords, you are already targeting the new, smaller keywords within your first long tail keyword.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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This topic was started on Jan 10, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
