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How to start in marketing ?

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Joined: 20 Feb 13

How to start in marketing ?

I'm new in affilorama but not in marketing ^^
i never start my own project in internet, i have big knowledge in marketing because i read a lot !
BUT MY BIGGEST PROBLEME is when i would to start i don't know how :'(

I've search on many sites like spyfu.com or traffic travis.com but i found in every word i tape many competition sites !
for exemple : when i tape (Body Building or Weight Loss...) i found on top websites like (bodybuilding.com or webmd.com) ! so how i can my websites be on top 5 at minimum... we say for exemple a person who search about body building, he will use keywords like (body building diets or exercises...) ! he will find the first site is bodybuilding.com ! automaticly he will click on it and read an article and buy fast a product because he want to fixe his problemes fast , get some muscles fast or get fit fast ! !
This probleme is in every NICHE or keyword you gone to choose it for begin. Also for exemple let's say that i've choosed a keyword (Weight loss diets ) from keyword tools ! ok, the keyword tool give us the recent results of the last month ! we say that i choosed the best keyword wich have the big number ^^
e.g : i'm in 25 october, the keyword is in septembre ;) so let's say that the last search of the keyword was in 19 september ! so the searcher have a probleme
he will not take a long time for find the solution !

So when you want to start on this keyword wich you've choosed, the searcher have already (at last month) find the solution of his probleme :)
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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi matiah.nadmah,

Welcome to Affilorama! :)

I think you're stopping your self already, before you have even begun and this is why you have not started. Consider the weight loss niche. This is a big niche, with various sub-niches you can go into. While there are people who are losing weight or have already lost weight, there are still a lot more who have not, and these are the people who can come to your site and purchase from you.

I suggest you go over the affiliate marketing lessons we have on our site. These lessons will give you more information on affiliate marketing and how it works.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Hi matiah.nadmah,

Try to focus on a very specialized niche. You can still go with health/bodybuidling niche but try to still find sub-niches of this niche. This way you can get keywords with less competition.

And yes, the Free Lessons in Affilorama will help you get started :)

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
Posts: 82
Joined: 22 Nov 12
Start your business venture in marketing through the consideration of your education to be competitive in the market. Get knowledge about this business through voluntarism and internship programs. It is also effective if you highlight some of your experiences.
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This topic was started on Feb 23, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
