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How to make content for sale affiliate site

Posts: 39
Joined: 12 Jun 10

How to make content for sale affiliate site

I have a site http://pursuinghealthiness.com/ and I want to promote weight loss pills and health stuff. I want to the site for the purpose of making a sale like theses sites dietpills.org, consumerpricewatch.net . I want to know how I can make the content for the site? What should i write about? Can I just reword someone elese articles and used them? Do I have to hire someone to write it? How often do I have to update it?
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Hi Rhoda,

I want to know how I can make the content for the site?

The first thing t o do is decide on a sub-niche. Are you going to focus mainly on weight loss pills ? Which wight loss polls are you going to promote? Then, look at the sales pages for these pills and build a list of keywords that you will target through your articles.

Once you have a keyword list and know exactly what you're going to promote, you can then write the articles and optimize them or you can ask a professional writer to do it for you.

Can I just reword someone elese articles and used them?

I strongly advise against this. Google has a strict policy against duplicate content and plagiarism.
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Hi Rhoda,

I suggest that you make a list of keywords to target first and then if you are done with the list, try to base your content around those keywords.

You may also take a look at some of the sites that promote what you promote and have a look at the kind of articles and content they are making. You may also get an idea on the style and strategy they make for their content.

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Posts: 38
Joined: 08 Aug 11
rewording someone else's writing is certainly NOT GOOD, do not do it...write your own, discover, create something new, believe in Creating something new- Always ACT...do not re-act....
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Ashok Sinha

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